Christine King

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since Aug 26, 2002
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I have a SunONE dev env which includes Ant 1.4. I just installed Ant 1.5.1, and would like to integrate it with my S1 env. I've looked in the S1 options to see if I can specify a new location for Ant, but can't find any place to do that. Help, please?
21 years ago
One of my favorite comprehensive J2EE references is "Professional Java Server Programming, J2EE 1.3 Edition" by Allamaraju et al. (WROX). Their recommendation for CMP v. BMP is to stick with CMP unless you really need BMP:
"...The basic problem is that, although every EJB 2.0-compliant container must provide support for container-managed persistence, the specification does not indicate *how* this support must be provided. In fact, a container need not necessarily provide any CMP support for mapping your entity bean's state to columns in a database. It could use Java serialization to write the whole bean to one column and still be compliant. This would rarely be adequate for a project, and might necessitate the use of bean-managed persistence if your EJB container used serialization.
"On the other hand, this extreme case doesn't exist in real life. Every single application server with EJB support of which I am aware, including the open source ones, has some support for mapping your objects to the fields in a relational database.
"The trick is determining whether your EJB container has the level of support for container-managed persistence that you require. If it does, take advantage of this support to free your business-logic programmers from writing persistence logic. The boost in productivity is potentially very large, and depending on the EJB container, the boost in application performance may be large, too."
It goes on to say that you will probably need to use BMP is your target data store is an ERP system or some other existing application.
Needless to say, I can't tell you exactly what was on my exam, and besides it was probably a different bunch of questions from what you'll get.
But anyway, what was included in java.lang was exactly and only what's on the "objectives" page at Sun's certification site:
* java.lang.Math methods
* immutability of String objects
* wrapper classes
[ Moderator: Can I say this? ] I didn't get anything about Comparator or Cloneable; you might.
21 years ago
Hi, y'all -
Thanks to JavaRanch resources and Dan Chisholm's mock exams, I passed 1.4 today. Had failed 1.2 in July but hadn't found Java Ranch yet.
My lowest section score was 50% in "Fundamental Classes in java.lang". They do hit it hard, maybe to make up for not testing I/O and AWT.
--Christine, SCJP2 1.4
21 years ago