Christopher Dee

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since Oct 08, 2002
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Recent posts by Christopher Dee

I'm sorry if you get a lot of these questions here, but I really am straining to see what I'm doing wrong.
My problem is with the getImage method. I've used it in a number of applets so far, and I haven't had any difficulty with it. But for some reason, this one particular applet returns a " cannot resolve symbol - symbol : method getCodeBase ()" error when I try to compile. Not that that's very helpful.
I've re read through the section of my web tutorial that covers images, and I'll still can't figure out how I'm using it wrongly.
Here is the code. Can anyone spot the error?
[ edited to preserve formatting using the [code] and [/code] UBB tags -ds ]
[ October 15, 2002: Message edited by: Dirk Schreckmann ]
21 years ago
I've been learning from an online book by David J.Eck, entitled Introduction to Programming Using Java. Along the way, I've found it necessary to experiment with the things I learn, and write little progs and applets of my own. That way I know that I understand what I'm reading.
But there's one thing I'm having a bit of difficulty with, possibly cuz I've never been good with geometry. That's drawing shapes in awt's XORMode. Here is the page where I first read about it ......
Does anyone know of any tutorials which elaborate on the use of XORMode when drawing graphics?
21 years ago