Jon Kidd

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since Oct 11, 2002
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Recent posts by Jon Kidd

Sheesh, and all that is supposed to make it simpler is it ?
I'll look into it further though and give it a shot.
Thanks for the replies to this, much appreciated.
Alex - So to get this straight in my head, you code a new helper class for each EJB that you create ?
Any chance you could post a smaple piece of code ?
Hi all,
Just still finding my way around ejb's etc so forgive me if this is no brainer to you...
I've created a stateful session ejb ok and can access it's business methods succesfully using JNDI lookup code within a JSP page.
However, my question is, if I wanted to access that same session bean on other JSP pages do I need to replicate the JNDI lookup code to all the other pages or is there any easier way (I was thinking of custom tags?) ?
Thanks in advance.
Aplogies for the 'lameness' of this question...
But when I need to deploy an app do I need both a war file and an ear file (or obviously just the war).
I was maybe under the misapprehension that the ear file could contain the war file but I'm not sure now ?
Glad if someone could put my mind at rest...
Thanks in advance,
21 years ago
Thanks David, it seems a bit healthier now I'll see how I get on. Cant believe I spent so long trying to sort something so simple!!
21 years ago
Hi all,
I've installed Tomcat 4.1.18 but although I can create a new context for my sites in the server.xml file and call jsp's from there I am habving real trouble calling servlets from the servlet dir ie WEB-INF\classes
The default root application and examples applications both work fine and I thought it would be a simple job of recreating the dir structure and dropping my servlet class files in there but it appears to be a lot mroe than that...
I seem to of spent the last couple of days trying to find a simple no-nonsense guide of setting it up but I just seem to run into garbled instructions about building etc

Can anyone help at all ?
Thanks all,
21 years ago
Got a real weird applet communication problem that has been bugging me now for the last 4 hours
I have 2 applets on a jsp web page. They are called via the usual <applet> calls and incorporate the "name" tag
One of my applets needs to call a method on the other one and I have tried everything but all I get when trying to compile it is "cannot resolve symbol" whenever I try to make a reference to the other object.
ie just something simple like:

produces 'cannot resolve symbol'.
Any ideas where I am going wrong ? I thought this was supposed to be so simple
21 years ago

As for firewalls, those ports are firewalled for a reason. So if the chat clients doesn't work, the sysadmin doesn't want people chatting.

So an uptapped market then
21 years ago
Not sure how that would react to clients behind firewalls though ?
I've sort of now kludged something together using Applets on the browser and then calling the destroy method which in turn calls a servlet on the server removing the client from the list of logged on users. Difficult work though then trying to design a site around an applet that mustn't be closed
I'm sure there are easier ways but I have yet to see a simple and concise explanation.
21 years ago
Hi all,
Am after some help with a chat application I am building. Basically I am having real problems with showing a list of all the users currently logged in. Currently I have a bean for each user that is then also added to an application session bean which shows all the users, I have run into big problems though trying to remove a user from this application session bean should a user just close their browser so I think I'm going back to the drawing board.
What is the best way for coding this ? I was thinking maybe, use a servlet to 'log' a user in, create a bean for them and then add that bean to a bean containing a list of all the users, I could then use the session listener to keep check of when a user disconnects and the remove that user from the list of logged on users ? Would the bean containing the list of users be available for all the users to see ?
I'm sure this must of been done before and I've searched and searched but I'm really looking for a definitive guide as to how I should approach this whole thing before I jump in and start trying to code it all again.
Any ideas or input very gratefully received.
21 years ago
Thanks to all the help with my previous question about adding users to an Arraylist.
Have now come up with an annoying problem with regards trying to remove them again
Basically, I have a jsp page that creates a simple user bean and then adds that bean to an arraylist. This arraylist when viewed on a seperate jsp page shows all the logged in users.
I've created a simple 'logout' page that will remove that user bean from the arraylist when they access it but I just can't seem to find a way of automatically removing sessions if the user just closes the browser window.
I'm using JRun to develop the application locally on my PC and have tried setting all thw various session timeout settings to one minute but still the arraylist keeps the user bean in there. My understanding is that if a session times out then any references to that object will become nulled out, however I just can't seem to get this to work.
I am running an applet on the workstation so initially I was using the destroy() method on here to try and call a servlet that would remove the relevant bean from the arraylist but I ran into problems trying to get the servlet to access the arraylist bean holding the list of users, maybe there is a way round this though ?
My knowledge of javabeans is pretty limited so I am using them only in their very simplest form.
Any ideas as to how I go about this or what I am doing wrong would be very gratefully received
21 years ago
Thanks Dominik, I'll give that a try !!
21 years ago
Hi all,
Possibly not the right forum to post in but I'll try anyway as I'm not 100% sure where to ask!!
I'm currently trying to script a simple chat application (yes, another one **yawn** !!) and am trying to do it so that when a user enters they are added to a list of users currently in the room. I thought that somehow I could add their user object to an arraylist that would be available too all the users to call a method on a view a list of all the users in the 'room' ?
Sounds simple enough but I can't seem to find a simple solution, anyone here got any ideas ?
21 years ago
Probably a no-brainer question here for you all but I am writing a very simple chat (yes, another one...) application. Basically I just want it to be all 1-1 based via a servlet on the server.
So a client initiates a conversation with another user and each response gets pushed into each others text area.
I understand the mechanics of it simply enough but am having trouble understanding how to push the response back from the servlet on the server to the applet on the clients PC without them needing to refresh ?
As I said, probably very easy but any help in the right direction would be much appreciated.
Thanks everyone,
21 years ago
Found the answer, easy when you know how !! Just need to use the Boolean isNew() method for session..... d'oh!!
21 years ago