Prashant Neginahal

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since Dec 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Prashant Neginahal

Hello All,
I deployed the ejb through RI and when i tried to access the bean through the client, it gave me following error. I already set the classpath for client jar given by RI.
Exception in thread "main" java.rmi.AccessException: CORBA NO_PERMISSION 0 No; n
ested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: minor code: 0 completed: No
org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: minor code: 0 completed: No
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._invoke(Unknown Source)
at prashu.negu._AdviceHome_Stub.create(Unknown Source)
at AdviceClient.main(
Hope somebody will help me.
Hello All,
I deployed the ejb through RI and when i tried to access the bean through the client, it gave me following error. I already set the classpath for client jar given by RI.
Exception in thread "main" java.rmi.AccessException: CORBA NO_PERMISSION 0 No; n
ested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: minor code: 0 completed: No
org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: minor code: 0 completed: No
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._invoke(Unknown Source)
at prashu.negu._AdviceHome_Stub.create(Unknown Source)
at AdviceClient.main(
Hope somebody will help me.
hey cool man!! nice score Congrates!!!
20 years ago
Hello All,
I want to take SCBCD exam. I have planned to take it within 1.5 months.
I have worked on Stateless Session bean and Entity Beans. Please let me know how much time it takes?
What are the best books to prepare for this exam?
Any prepartion tips and source links are helpful.
Hope somebody will help me.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi All,
I have just started preparing for this exam.I was bit confused while reading USE CASES.Let me explain it more clearly..
Use Case is all about functionality of a system.For different interactions of external users, what system needs to perform. Am i rt?
This is a purely funactional approach.Then how come this fits Object Oriented Analysis and Design?
I know Use cases are part Requirement Analysis and based on this further design will be done.I was unable to answer myself how Use cases help in Object Oriented Design and how a perticular Use case is converted into Objects.?Is it not mixing of Functional and Object Oriented Design?
Hope i am clear in my question.
Hope somebody will help me.Thanks
Hi All,
Very recently i passed SCJP1.4 and wanted to take UML exam.I have 1 and 1/2 years of experience and knows bit of OOPS.
I need help regarding how much it requires for exam preparation,what books i need to refer.
And,what type of certification title will be given if we pass IBM's UML exam(Exan No 486).
I need help from u people.
Hey!! Pradeep,
Congrates!! nice score man
21 years ago
Hi All,
I passed SCJP1.4 with 91% not a bad score , but i was aiming at 95-96%.
We can pass exam easily but, if u r aiming at high score(which we need to),definately u need to work hard.I spent 2 and 1/2 month effectively.I did'nt read any book completely, i gone through Robert and Simmons book that too for 1.2 exam.Only thing is i solved lot of mock exam,mainly Dan's exam.These are tough,but once we understood the concept we can
answer any question.
Fallowing are my tips,
--Please plan urself and fallow it strictly on day to basis.Coz only diciplined approach can take to our goal quickly.
--Take lot of mock tests.
--Actively participate in discussions like in javaranch.They really gives lot of tips.
--Try to solve tough problem , coz these will give lot of scope to know more and better.Ex Dan's exam.
-- Concentrate on Thread and Java Fundamentals , Operators much.Thread is area where i scored less(62%) and is the area where i studied much.So if u r aiming at 95% and above, then u should be good at Threads.
--I solved Tests from JQPlus tool.This one i won in a luclky draw contest.Its really good and is at same level of exam.
This is all about my story.
My heartly thanks to all members of javaranch.Mainly Kathy and Bert,Dan Chisholm ,Valentin Crettaz who helped me by answering my queries.
Thanks a lot and wish you all the best to all javaranch members.
21 years ago
why valatile variables can not be final.?
Hi All,

Ans given for above exam is d.But why g is not correct answer.According to me,when a perticular thread is sleeping and is interrupted, suddenly it moves from sleeping state to running mode and throws an exception.So in the above example exception will be cought and i value will be assigned.
Am i right?.
Hope somebody will help me.
[ Jess gave it a bit more descriptive title... ]
[ February 24, 2003: Message edited by: Jessica Sant ]
[Dan added the UBB Code to format the code block.]
[ February 24, 2003: Message edited by: Dan Chisholm ]
Hi All,
pls look at the fallowing example,
Given the following definitions and reference declarations, which of these statements are legal?
interface I1 { }
interface I2 { }
class C1 implements I1 { }
class C2 implements I2 { }
class C3 extends C1 implements I2 { }
C1 o1;
C2 o2;
C3 o3;
Select 3 correct options
a class C4 extends C3 implements I1, I2 { }
b o3 = o1;
c o3 = o2;
d I1 i1 = o3; I2 i2 = (I2) i1;
e I1 b = o3;

Answers given r a,d,e.
But in d,the statement I2 i2 = (I2) i1; ,how it is possible as there is no relationship between I1 and I2 inteface.?
[ Jess gave this a bit more descriptive title ]
[ February 24, 2003: Message edited by: Jessica Sant ]
Thanks a lot to u all.I will do my best.
Wish me luck .
I am taking SCJP exam on 26th Feb.
Can anyone give me some guidlines..? One more thing i wanted to about exam simulator.At the start, does it includes some unwanted stuff or straight way start with Java questions.?
Hi All,
I am very thankfull to all members here for helping me to prepare SCJP.I am taking exam in next week.
Can anyone tell me does exam simulator straight way start with Java questions. Any exam previous days tips are welcome.
Once again thanks to u all.