Alex To

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since Feb 25, 2003
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Just found there's free 257 sample test (usual test fee is US$10).

1. Go to this link:
2. Click on Prime
3. Sign in
4. Click Take Test
5. In Public Test, select Rational Assessment/Sample Tests
6. Click on the link "257s - Sample Test 257,Enterprise Application Development - English (US) - Free"

Similarly, sample test 347 is also free. Steps are same as above except
Step 5. Choose WebSphere Assessment/Sample Tests
Step 6. Click on the link "347 s - ACE Sample Test 347, WS Portal V5 Deplymt & Admin - English (US) - Free"
Passed the Test 288 "Developing Web Services with WebSphere Studio v5.1" this morning. Got 74% (passing score 60%). It's a bit harder than I think.
I hadn't taken Real 286 test yet, but I have done quite some other IBM tests (real and ICE). My impression is: real one is more difficult than that in ICE.
-- Alex
Congratulations. 70% is not bad at all.
XML is not in the syllabus of 285, nor Team nor Web Service nor EJB.
Try to build a sample db and play around adding a db source, import folder, using wizards etc should be good enough.
A tips: When play around in creating project / datasource / using page wizards, always mark down which fields are mandatory. Seems I got that kind of questions in all the Test 345, 157, and 285.
Here are the replies:
- Test 285 is "Developing with WebSphere Studio, V5.0". Passing the exam means you are an "IBM Certified Associate Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0"
- Actually I passed Test 345 (corresponding exam for V4.0.x) 2 months ago. So this time I hadn't read any book. (BTW, the resources suggested in IBM site are the same as those of V4.0.x).
- Study strategy:
(a) If you passed Test 345 (or 157) before, then you only need to concentrate on the new stuff bring in V5, e.g. Java browsing perspective, Help search narrowing, files location (\webApplication Vs \Web Content).
(b) If you had not prepared Test 345 (or 157) before, then (i) pick any one book in "", (ii) work on ICE exam find those topics you're not familiar, (iii) find answer from WSAD 5.0 Help OR try write some sample code to prove the answers.
- Real exam is similar to ICE in the sense they are coming from the same syllabus (""). However, don't expect you get the same questions.
-- Alex
Thanks, but any explanation why not A / C?
- Alex
I passed 285 exam yesterday, with overall score of 72%. Here is the breakdown.
% of Test My Score
1. Workbench Basics 15.5% 62%
2. Java Development 27% 71%
3. Web Development 20% 100%
4. Running Applications 12% 66%
5. Debugging 17.5% 66%
6. Data 8% 50%
- Alex
Anybody knows what happened to Whizlabs. I just tried the web site and get the message "Account for domain has been suspended".
Wonder if anybody has idea on the answer of that question. I had tried A and tried C but both wrong.
When using the Insert JSP Get Property dialog to insert bean attributes into a JSP from within Page Designer, which implicit objects can the developer see?

A. request
B. requestContext
C. application
D. pageConfig

- Alex
I bought the Whizlab 483 on Mar 7, 2003 and took the real exam on Mar 21. The Whizlab mock questions (and explanations) are outdated, or irrelevant to the real exam questions. I would suggest spending time on reading book then taking the Whizlab mock questions.
Try these answers.
Q1. Answer B, C, D are correct. As that question allows 1 answer only, the question itself is WRONG. The question should be
In deployment descriptors, WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS WRONG ABOUT security roles and method permissions:
and the answer is A.
Q11. The correct answers are A, B, D.