Vidyadhar Hegde

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since Oct 24, 2000
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Recent posts by Vidyadhar Hegde

Thank you, Sean
I works
23 years ago
Thank you for the Reply, Paul
If it is not supported by Java then, if you don't mind, can you tell me what is the solution for this problem.
Thank you, Kulkarni.
I'll try to find details about the rundll32.exe. Hope I'll get it.
I am developing a program in which I need to know the drive (viz. HDDs or CD-ROM drive names) from which I am running the program. How to get the name of the working drive?
Please help me in this regard.
Thanx in advance,
23 years ago
Nobody is there to help me in creating the DSN programmatically
Looking for help.
I am working on some application where I need to use the DSN for JdbcOdbc connection which is created manually. Now I want to make this programmatically. How do I go about this?
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Hi friends,
I am writing a program to count number of words in a file. I am able to do if the file is .txt or .bat. But how to get the same for the files like .doc.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
Hi Siva,
What type of the file are you using?
If it is from database file I do have the answer.
23 years ago
Thank you for your response.
Sorry, for not giving clear problem detail.
Let me tell you in detail what I want to achieve?
I'm having a frame (JFrame). I want an internal frame (JInternalFrame). Means I want to develop a MDI application. Now I want to put a background image for the JFrame. But the JInternalFrame must be visible when JFrame is visible.
The glassPane did not come up to my requirement.
Hope you got my requirement.
23 years ago
Hi Friends
I know how to implement Image in JFrame and JInternalFrame.
But I am not able to combine all three means I want to embed some Image/Graphics in my JFrame window which is parent for a JInternalFrame.
Could you please help me?
Thank you.

23 years ago
I need some help.
I am trying to execute FTP.exe file with IP address from a java program using
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("path\FTP.exe someIPaddress");
statement.But what happening is, ftp is starting but not able to stay within the same program. And also it is not asking for username and password also. Even if I give the username and password along with IP address, it is not accepting.
So how do I execute this .exe file with/without options ?

23 years ago