Thiyagarajan Kamala

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 16, 2003
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Recent posts by Thiyagarajan Kamala

Thanks to K & B , exam lab & fellow ranchers.One thing I noticed is If I click on the drag and drop task it clears the answers.So anyone who is going to appear for the exam just make sure you keep note of the unanswered drag and drop questions and revisit only that. I know most of the people know this already just for few who is unaware of.
14 years ago
Thanks Anastasia I increased the sleep time and saw the difference.
Iam trying to find any article on generics which covers generics in perpective of scjp.I read K & B but I still could not get the concepts right ...Do we have any thing in Javaranch.

I did a small change to wait to synchronize on class level but the notification is not happening.Kind of confused ...asusual on this things......
my bad ...Thanks to both of you...If i get this question in exam I will remember both of you.
Basically wait() is this.wait() you are calling on this.Shouldn't it be synchronized on this

The above snippet of code doesnt throw illegalMonitorStateException eventhough the method is synchronized the obj on which wait() is called is not synchronized .Why it is not throwing exception.
You got the question right .... Thanks for the explanation.
short s1=6;

if I rewrite this to
short s1=6;

Compile complains ...Can someone explain?.
I have put the question in the subject itself.
Apprecicate your response.