Donny Nadolny

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since Jun 26, 2003
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Recent posts by Donny Nadolny

Dan - Thanks for the.. hm, we'll say.. root beer

Rebecca - I've had more experience with computers than you did at your age, I've been programming for 9 years (Yup, I wrote my first program at the age of 7. Good old QBASIC). I'm a fast learner.

Donny Nadolny
[ September 10, 2004: Message edited by: Donny Nadolny ]
19 years ago
Thanks everyone!

Nicholas Cheung - I'm not sure what I want to do next. I'm thinking of SCJD next, but first I want to learn more about JSP, servlets, etc. Maybe I'll go for SCWCD instead. By the way, nice certifications! It takes up 3 lines just to display them all on my screen!

Conan Elvitaro - Every time I look back a year at what I could do then and what I can do now, I'm amazed at how much I've learned. Just thinking of how little I knew about some things keeps me learning more.

Donny Nadolny
19 years ago
Hey everyone. Today I passed the SCJP 1.4 exam with 91% (and I'm 16 years old). I used K&B (read it twice) and I did the first 7 of Dan's mock exams. On Dan's exams I scored around 80%. I wish I had spent more time doing mock exams, I had spent a weekend preparing for the exam a few months ago then didn't do anything for a while, and I kind of rushed into doing the exam before school started up again so I only had about 4 days to do mock exams. My one tip would be to mark the questions you are unsure about when you're doing a mock exam and review the answer even if you get it right, don't just focus on the ones you got wrong.
Also, my comments on the exam: It was about the difficulty I expected. Some of the thread questions had tricky/complicated wording, but almost all the other questions were clear. I wish they showed you the questions you got wrong at the end, I wanted to know which questions I got wrong. Overall I'm glad I did the exam, I had a year and a half of Java experience before I started studying, but studying taught me so much about Java and it made me a better programmer.

Donny Nadolny, SCJP 1.4
19 years ago
Hey. You should be able to register for tomorrow, I believe 1 day in advance is the latest they allow you to book. Go to and try to book it, they show you what days/times are available and you can reschedule until 6 PM EST the day prior to your exam.

Donny Nadolny
Hey. You could add in a method to Serverside1 to return the text area that is displayed. Then any class you wanted could draw to it. For example:
import java.awt.*;
class c1 {
TextArea txt;
public c1() {
txt = new TextArea();
public TextArea getText() {
return txt;

public class c2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
c1 myClass1 = new c1();
TextArea txt = myClass1.getText();

This code won't make a frame for the text area and won't display anything (I have to go to school now, it's simple to make it add the textarea to a frame though). Hope this helps.
20 years ago
Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone knew about a minimum age requirement for taking the SCJP 1.4 exam. I'm 15 and I want to take it, i'm just wondering if I can. I haven't seen any requirement on Sun's site, but I just want to double check if anyone's heard anything. Thanks in advance!
Hey. I'm pretty sure that in the first case it will be eligable for garbage collection. After all, when you create a string using the keyword new, it just says yuo want a new string created, even if there's already a string in the pool with the same text. When you just say String s = "whatever";, it will need to create a new string if there isn't one already, and it should be garbage collected if nothing points to it.