Ed Bicker

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since Oct 14, 2003
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Recent posts by Ed Bicker

Welcome Jeff. How does Java 7 handle "Generics"? Compare this to Java 5?
11 years ago
That is to say, I do not want to write the code in the jsp. I want to write it as a method and then include this in the jsp "inline" at the correct place where it needs to run.
What is the syntax to do this?
14 years ago
Yes, but why do you need to URLEncode a string, in the first place. What good does it serve?
18 years ago
I am also having same problem using BEA weblogic 7.0 and Togetherj as IDE to do the build from. I got it working on command line but inside togethersoft I throw this error. I believe it is because of the weblogic.HttpsURLConnection class NOT extending from HTTPUrlConnection but from java.net.URLConnection...

I am working on solution...this is a weblogic thing and I need to look there...
19 years ago
WASD version 4.0.3, to my knowledge, does not allow you to go to java settings under the preferences and set line numbers on. Unless I have missed something, I believe this is not possible, perhaps on version 5 , but not 4.0.3
19 years ago
I agree but remember, any method that you declare as abstract implies that the class must also be abstract. If you do not declare the class as abstract does the jvm "make" the class abstract if you declare a method abstract and not the class, or does it just throw the error and leave it at that?
19 years ago
So what is the rule of thumb when to use an Enumeration or an Iterator to do
java.util.Enumeration e = req.getParameterNames();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
java.util.Iterator iterator = mc.getProcessList().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext() ) {
what is the differtence between either???
19 years ago
so, if a class is public static then what does this mean??
I worked in a group that required us to use TopLink. It was a real pain because every time you made a change to a field in the database or changed something, then you had to redeploy all the changes through out the application and run the Toplink remap utility. We also used the Oracle Application Server. I made a decision to rewrite the entire application using Weblogic, EJB's, JSP's and Oracle jdbc calls.
Here..here...Excellent. I could not agree more. Very good insight.
Yes the differences are minor. I use the Websphere version and find it very good. I have used both Oracle JDeveloper 9i and VisualCafe and I prefer IBM Websphere the best.
I can not seem to use a popup window with the internal browser within websphere. Any ideas on why this does not work? I am using 4.02
20 years ago