Toussaint Derrett

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since Feb 13, 2004
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Recent posts by Toussaint Derrett

Having modified my JSP page.. the old JSP page is constantly being displayed
I am using Tomcat 5.0 and Internet explorer 6.0. I am at page 82 in Head
First Servlets and JSP.
I have been trying to run the Beer Advisor application but my
browser does not recognize the content as HTML. Help !! Are there
any smart persons at JavaRanch ??
I got the results from the servlet to display after tickering with the browser encoding setting. However for me to see the result I have to
open the file when the File Download dialog appears and the choose which
program I want to open the file ( internet explorer...I still want to prevent the file download dialog from appearing any help given would be greatly appreciated...
I am using internet explorer..I will double check the Content-type.
The Beer example I am running now has only the html form and the
servlet. I am not trying the JSP part as yet.
I have been trying to run the Beer application, however on submitting the
form a window displays asking me if I wish to open, run or save Apparently what is returned to the browser is the Servlet
itself and not the results of running the servlet. Help !!!

Tomcat 5.0.28
JSDK 1.4.2_4
Window XP
NB. All the example applications are working fine.