Carmen McAfee

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since Mar 10, 2004
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Recent posts by Carmen McAfee

I am trying to create an applet that draws 20,000 points at random within an area with x values from 0 to 300 and y values from 0 to 300. Each point is to be drawn as a line of length 0. A circle is to be centered at (150,150) and with a radius of 75. The points with in the circle are to be green and red if outside the circle.
Then when all the points have been generated, a computated ratio of the points inside the circle to the total number of points, then display that as well. Also a display of 16 times this ratio.
Here is what I have so far.

any suggestions are needed, I just need a jump start on completing this. Not sure what to do next or if I'm even headed in the correct direction.
19 years ago