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since Mar 18, 2004
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Recent posts by Raju

Got some good news...
downloaded jdbc_rowset_tiger-1_0_1-mrel-jwsdp.zip
and got the rowset jar from this distribution.
This one is working fine for me if I place the jar
in web-inf/lib as expected without any exceptions.

The properties file is being read only when if rowset.jar is placed
in "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_05\lib\ext" or else the classpath
is explicitly set in "setclasspath.bat" in Tomcat4.1 bin directory.

My doubt is that why, even if the rowset.jar is placed in
"tomcat/common/lib" or "web-inf/lib", the properties file is not read.

Whatever is necessary I have to do it within the application as it will
be packaged and delivered to client for deployment. Any suggestions...
I'm trying to use CachedRowSetImpl. Created a ResultSet object and passed it to populate method of CachedRowSetImpl. This is working fine in Java program. But when using the same code inside a servlet i'm getting null pointer exception. I have also copied the rowset.jar into common/lib as well as web-inf/lib. Can anybody help please...

I'm developing a web based news reader (NNTP) using Servlets/JSP. Currently I'm using sockets to connect to news server to issue NNTP commands and read back the content.
I tried to fetch an article (size 3MB with attachment), but it took too long (around 30 minutes) and page cannot be read error was displayed. Fetching the same articles through telnet also took 40 minutes. I tried using Microsoft Outlook and was able to read the same article in 6 minutes.
Can anyone suggest me a better option to connect to news server from servlets...
Thanks in advance.