Chong-Leng Goh

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since Apr 20, 2004
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Recent posts by Chong-Leng Goh

There are so many web application framework nowsaday in the open-source world, just wondering anyone did a comparsion among the different technologies and provide insightful details on when to use what?
19 years ago
Coding is an enjoyment and I have to admit the saisfaction when you managed to resolve a problem that has been haunting you for hours/days/even months is incredibly pleasure. But if you are stuck with some portion of your program during coding for too long, it is always fruitful to take some time out to relax.

Sometime after looking at a problem for too long, it pays to talk to someone and try to explain to them what you are trying to do. More often than not, you will immediately see the things you may have missed out.

Having say that, I have to admit it is sometime difficult to relax when you are all 'high' over your codes.
19 years ago
Alternatively, you can opt to use a message-oriented approach. Instead of constantly probing for the existence of a file, send a message to a JMS server and have your program 'listen' on queue. If a message is received, you 'kill' your process gracefully.

You can adopt one of the solution given above to 'plant' a script in the system shutdown process to be executed and send a message to the JMS.
19 years ago
There are many reasons why LDAP is ideal as a central repository for identity management and some of them are listed below:

(1) It is a standard where practically every programming languages have interface to.

(2) It's capability in achieving highly availability and scalability through proper configuration of master and slave server

(3) The availability of many tools which allow many other repository to sync with LDAP server.

(4) It is an ideal location to store highly structured information because of the way information are stored and queried. E.g. organization-related information

Take for instance, the Sun Java Enterprise System stack of product, most of them are based on LDAP technology. The Identity Server uses a LDAP server as a user repository for authentication and authorization purposes. The Portal server uses LDAP as a portal configuration repository. Organization data that is residing in a variety of repository like Oracle, SQL Server ... can be sync into the LDAP server using Meta Directory Server and the sync can be bi-directional.

The arhitectural advantage of this approach is you can centralize all your authentication and authorization information into one repository which is highly scalability and available and it reduces the administration and management of organization data through synchronization tools to other repository.

Think about the possibility of application now with centralized repository, you can do single-sign-on. You can configure to achieve delegated administration. You can achieve account synchronization. etc
19 years ago
You do know that there are two models for Model-View-Controller design pattern, right? Model 1 is based on JSP as controller while model 2 is based on servlet.
[ June 20, 2004: Message edited by: Chong-Leng Goh ]
I cannot help but wonder... what is the value of certification?
Gaining knowledge is probably one. But if we cannot make something out
of our knowledge... what good is certification to us?

Somewhere along the path of pursuiting for certifications, I realised
that if I don't do something out of the knowledge I gained, there is no meaning to any of the certifications that I have attained.
I am currently making preparation for my SCBCD study
and is in the midst of hunting for books to read up.
I know Head First EJB is one of the book that is
highly recommended, but I would like to read more.
Anyone has any other book to recommend?