ravinder thirumala

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since May 20, 2004
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Recent posts by ravinder thirumala

son at 11----->year was 1331
father at 36--->year was 1296
father was 60 years when got son...
19 years ago
send ur c code also.....
19 years ago
8 is right , its very simple question.

iam already doing my masters in iitm
19 years ago
A beggr collects cigarette stubs and makes one ful cigarette
with every 7 stubs. Once he gets 49 stubs . How many cigarettes
can he smoke totally
19 years ago
I have one orange glass containing orange juice and another
white glass containing apple juice. I take 50 ml of orange juice and mix it
with apple juice in the white glass. Then I take 50 ml of this
mixture and transfer it back to the orange glass. If you compare amount of apple juice in the orange glass and amount of orange juice in the white glass which is more than the other and by how much ?
19 years ago
is there any logical information in there coversation..,
19 years ago