Bruce Sparo

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since Jun 24, 2004
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Recent posts by Bruce Sparo

Ok... here's the deal:

I've set my session-timeout in my web.xml file to 1 minute (for testing purposes only).

I'm using STRUT2 and when the session times out, instead of being redirected to to the login page I'm getting the following:

Now the action "com.thg.itms.struts2.pcr.MyPcrList" is defined and happens to just be the link on the website the user clicked after the session timed out. If the user was to click on another link, that action would show up in the error.

Does anyone know why this is happening?
12 years ago

Thank you.
19 years ago
New to struts so your help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Have a html:submit tag. If the user clicks it twice the order goes through twice. What's the simpliest way to only allow it to be processed once.

Code can not be changed.

<html:submit property="subAction"><bean:message key="[button_text]order_checkout2.placeorder"/>
19 years ago
How do you do a "union" in Hibernate.

I need to make implement the following code in a Hibernate session.

select c.*, p.*
from Cst_Custgroup c, Tps_Program p, Tps_User_Program u
where c.custGroup = p.custGroup
and p.prog_ID = u.prog_ID
and u.tps_ID = 'testuser'
select c.*, p.*
from Cst_Custgroup c, Tps_Program p, Tps_User_Custgroup u
where c.custGroup = p.custGroup
and p.custgroup = u.custgroup
and u.tps_ID = 'testuser'
order by 2 asc, 1, 5

I should have explained my better in my original post: "How do I return to a specific spot on page. You see I'm using STRUTS and in my function -

function refreshPage(form)
form.action = "/tops/";
return false;

- I'm directing the action towards the action path in my strut-config.xml file; consequently, that's why I had it posted in the struts forum.

<action path="/editAdmin"
<forward name="success" path="/templates/EditAdmin.jsp"/>

I should have explained it better.
19 years ago

First of all thank you for responding but you solution won't help me in this situation.

I should have explained my better in my original post. You see I'm using STRUTS and in my function -

function refreshPage(form)
form.action = "/tops/";
return false;

- I'm directing the action towards the action path in my strut-config.xml file; consequently, that's why I had it posted in the struts forum.

<action path="/editAdmin"
<forward name="success" path="/templates/EditAdmin.jsp"/>

I should have explained it better.

Any help....
[ July 20, 2004: Message edited by: Bruce Sparo ]
Hey guys,

I was hoping for some help. I'm using the html:select property to show a two drop down menus to the user.

refreshPage(this.form) is a javascript function that I have defined to do some work.

My problem is that the page itself is fairly lengthy and everytime the user clicks on the button, it returns them to the top of the page.

What can I do to force the page to return to the very spot that the user clicked the button.

[ Jess disabled smilies and converted quote tag to a code tag ]
[ July 20, 2004: Message edited by: Jessica Sant ]
what am I doing wrong.....

<td><html:link forward="enterForgotPassword"> <html:img page="/images/forgotPassword.gif" width="149" height="21"/></html:link> </td>

My struts-config.xml config

<!-- Enter logon information -->
<action path="/enterForgotPassword"

Error 500--Internal Server Error
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot create rewrite URL: Cannot retrieve ActionForward named enterForgotPassword
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.LinkTag.calculateURL(
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.LinkTag.doStartTag(
at jsp_servlet._templates.__logon._jspService(
at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(

19 years ago
I'm building a page using STRUTS and was wondering whether or not I should use FRAMES or go with something else... say TILES.

The thing is, the page is fairly complex. Up to 5 different .jsp's will be used on the main page and although the main page will always be the same (the same .jsp files will always be displayed) the information being displayed will be built dynamically and will be dependent upon what is entered/clicked on in any of the .jsp on the main page. (Does that make sense? I hope so.)

The thing that worries me is that I'm using a scroll bar and I'm worried that if I do go with tiles, that will be a problem.

As you can tell, I'm "very" new to struts so your suggestion/advice will be greatly appreciated because, as of right now, I'm using html:frames.
[ June 24, 2004: Message edited by: Bruce Sparo ]
19 years ago