James J Xu

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since Jul 07, 2004
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Recent posts by James J Xu

Originally posted by Parag Doshi:

Thanks for your regards. I am thinking either to go for the web services certification or the PMI. Web services seems more interesting, while PMI has more potential...so torn between the 2



Would you explain what the PMI stands for? Is it Java related or something else?

Happy new year!


Originally posted by James J Xu:
Parag, Congratulation!

Do you have any plan for next stage, for another certificate, or...?


Originally posted by Patrick Cheung:
Thanks James,
But I am not sure what is 'assumptions'? can u give me some examples?
or some guides on how to write assumptions?
Best Regards,

Assumptions mean if you didn't show something obviously in your diagrams, you should write it down in the assumptions doc so examiner can know what you think, such as in security model, web server and application sever are all inside the firewall and mention protocals they used.


Originally posted by Patrick Cheung:
can u describe ur six-page support document iin detail?
is it a word document or a html document? is it linked to rose document?
what is its format? what aspects did u describe in that document?
is it a must for the assignment? may i have some examples for it?
thanks in advance.

My document is html format with hyperlink to diagrams(jpeg images exported from rose). It introduces design modules, J2EE design patterns used, and assumptions made in design.


Originally posted by A J Kumar:
Congratulations James.

Could you please let us know:
1. The JSP components belong to Web Tier or Client Tier.
2. Which tier does DTO/VO belong.


1. I put JSP components in Web tier.
2. I showed DTO/VO components in EJB tier, but they are shared across different tiers, such Web tier, Client tier. So I put notes about it in component diagram.


Originally posted by Dhiren Joshi:
James ,
Which UML tool did u use..? If u used Rose
How did u show multiple dependency links between tier packages in component diagram or How did u show inter tier links between components in different tiers ?
At least I am not able to figure a way for Rose to handle that ?


I used Rose too. For dependency links between components in different packages, I used the "Dependency" icon to draw it.


Originally posted by asnmurthy:
Hi James J Xu,
I congratulate for your Success in the SCEA exam.

Could you please share your assginment with all the documetns that you submitted to Sun so that we also get some idea on the same. I am also appearing for the same.
My email address is asnmurthy@gmail.com, annavajjhula@yahoo.com

Sorry I am not allowed to send you the document. But you can get some idea from posters.

If the size of the documents is bigger then you can split and send in different mails. and also the list of book names that you referred during thee whole certification.

Thanks in Advance,

A list of books can be found under following link.

Originally posted by Parag Doshi:
Can you tell us something more about the deployment diagram. Was it more on the basis of a network diagram -just showing the boxes and the communication btw them or was it a deployment diagram showing all the components deployed on each box and the communication protocol btw them?


[ October 05, 2004: Message edited by: Parag Doshi ]

My deployment diagram is a simple one. It just shows the boxes and the communication protocol between them. You may find some example from book "UML Distilled".

Good luck,

I have only one component diagram.

Originally posted by James Wang:
Congrats James

do you draw the swing component in component diagram. In use case diagram, the travel agent is drown as an actor. so I think it is possible that the swing client is not requited to implement. can you give me some suggestion.

I simply used 'Swing client' component for travel agent, and didn't implement it in details.

Originally posted by Dhiren Joshi:
Congrats James .

I have a few questions.

So did u create a package and added the components into them for each tier.
In that case how did u show dependency among components in different tiers.

How did u show Tiers .. ? Using the package notation and adding the components for a tier into that package. ?


I created each package for each tier and put this tier's components into it. I have a component diagram, so dependency between components in different tiers can be drawn.


Originally posted by Parag Doshi:
Congratulations James ! Good work.

I had a few question on component diagram. Did you show entity beans/POJOs and their dependencies (with each other) in your component diagram? How many components did you show? Did you group them by packages or tiers or didnt group them?
For your class diagram, did you show attributes/methods for the classes in it?


[ October 01, 2004: Message edited by: Parag Doshi ]

Hi, Parag,

I have around 35 components in component diagram. I did show entity bean and session bean and their dependences. They are grouped in package according to the tiers such as client tier, web tier, ejb tier, EIS tier.

For class diagram, I didn't show attributes/methods in it.

Hope it helps.

Just checked http://www.certmanager.net/sun_assignment and got the results.

Grade: P
Score: 97
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70. Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 41 Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 44 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12

I submitted assignment on Sep 6 and took part III on Sep 8. I waited for 3 weeks. I am very happy with the results and would like to thank you all.

I have 1 class diagram, 1 component diagram, 6 sequence diagram. In addition, 1 deployment diagram and 6 pages support document.

After payment, there is email confirmation send to customer. I wonder should we use message driven bean here?
