srinivas koti

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since Jan 06, 2001
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Recent posts by srinivas koti

Which is right?
"Instantiate a class" or "Instantiate an object"
Someone please clarify!
22 years ago
I passed SCJP around 4 months ago. After that I still read RHE once in a while. ie the developer's section. I am not sure whether I should download the assignment. Guess we are in the same boat. Proud SCJPs but clueless SCJDs . Let me know if you find anything worthwile.
Srinivas Koti
you could use a try...catch... but thats not a very good idea.
This is bcos ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception is a runtime exception and not a checked exception.
It is actually a program bug. You need to deal with the bug itself rather that catch it.
23 years ago
Hello Friends,
Since a lot of people are asking, Marcus Greene's web site is
I think basically you need two things to get SCJP. One is a good knowledge of java fundamentals and secondly how to approach the exam.
take care friends
srinivas koti
23 years ago
hi sachin,
all the best for your exam. Hope you pass with flying colors.
I had around 3 months experience in java. Doesnt matter how many books you refer you just have to be good in your fundamentals. Pls try to give as many mock tests as possible.
Hope you fare well.
Srinivas Koti

Originally posted by sachin patel:
Congratulation Srinivas,,
Great show.... look like you had a programming background in JAVA.... because no book covers all the stuff for certification...

Anyway Great Show and best of luck for the future..
well i am appearing next week...
hope i get certified too...

23 years ago
hi Narra,
Very sorry to hear your case. It is indeed commendable that you have passed under such demanding circumstances.
All I can say is keep up the good work.
Do tell Sun about your sufferings. These things should not be left in God's hands.
Srinivas Koti
23 years ago
Arrrgghh.....I feel bad I didnt get that extra half hour.
But what the hell??? I got 89% with 1-1/2 hrs. time. Sun does strange things sometimes.
srinivas koti
23 years ago
hi Phani,
I thought the exam duration is 1-1/2 hrs. Or did I not utilize the extra half hour you are talking about
srinivas koti
23 years ago
Hello Friends,
I cleared SCJP with 89%. Feels really great. I just referred one book (RHE). But I took a lot of mock tests on the web. Marcus Greene's site and are good sites anyone should look into.

srinivas koti
23 years ago