Chennarao Marvatu

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since Aug 09, 2004
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Recent posts by Chennarao Marvatu

Hi All,
Hope every one is doing good

I need a Java interface for single sign-on. This module should take our windows username and password as input, and contact the active directory maintained by SysAdmin and return true if the authentication is successful. An additional work is to get the credentials from windows and perform a seamless login with the active directory.

17 years ago
Hi all,
I would like to know how CSS works for Images.
Assume, you have 100 same images that are getting repeated in a page ( eg : spacer) and if you declare this in CSS, will CSS makes 100 connections to server or only once when CSS is loaded ?

The requirement is to use a user defined object as a key. But I want the hash table to consider two user defined objects with same values as single key.
What is the best solution to print �value of 10� and null as output for the two print statements? look at this code

import java.util.Hashtable;

* Simple key Class
* @author
* @version
class Key {
private int i;
private String s;

Key(int i, String s) {
this.i = i;
this.s = s;

public int getI() {
return i;

public String getS() {
return s;

public class TestHash {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

ht.put(new Key(10, "I am 10"), "Value of 10");
System.out.println("Get with Same key different object: " + ht.get(new Key(10, "I am 10")));
System.out.println("Get with another key: " + ht.get(new Key(11, "I am 10")));

18 years ago
Thanks for your reply..
I can not use span or IFRAME for my requirement because media player controls(play,stop) required inorder to display video.And also span always inline text it can not provide multiple layers..i am using DIV on another DIV like this..

Hi friends,
I am exausted by rouding all the sites and all problem is i am unable to set the Focus to DIV or Object.
My architecure is like this..
Jsp have a button that launches popup album sideshow.slideshow implemented in Laszlo but this laszlo is running in the jsp DIV. Album contains the
Video file besides images..architecture is like this

DIV (Laszlo div)===>DIV (video DIV)==>this containts IFRAME(media object)
Problem:-- after loading video and playing(autoplaying) if i clicks on LasloDiv the controls are missing only image part is playing...

==> if i click on the screen at the begining and after that video plays then controls are not conclusion is LaszloDiv is not getting focus so i want to set the focus ..i have been trying how to set the focus to DIV..
Please help me out in this ..ur help is appreciated

[ December 15, 2005: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Hello Gurus,
In the Textbox and Textarea there is max length limit.I have validated when the user TYPE more than the max . But when the copy and paste it is allowing.
So i want the user to restrict when he paste the data in the TExtarea or textbox itself .Please suggest me.
Hi Friends,
I have a requirement in javascript.
I need to validate the TExtarea charecters.In Textarea only 7 lines shoud be
allow and total charecters length is 175 and the chrecter length per line
is 25 charecters.
Please provide me code for this.

requirement like this :
1) It should allow <=175 charecters
2) Each line should contain 25 charecters
3) important this is maximum lines are 7.
i implemented this but when i type the continuasly (onkey down) control
crossing the 7 lines.
if i copy and paste more than 7 lines allowing in this cast also.

thanks & Regards

[Bear edit: removed 'urgent' from subject]
[ August 26, 2005: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Hi Friends ,
I have written some code that gives the image cooardinates when when i click
on the image.butThis code is working only in IE . This code should wotk in all the browsers like NS,mac etc..what changes i have to make in this code.
please help me out..

Thanks in advance

function klikk()
iX = window.event.offsetX;
iY = window.event.offsetY;
hi friends,
The thing it should not allow the special characters in the email address.

When u try to enter the special character it user should feel that special character

Will not allow that is character should be vhown and remove..

I have done the total functionality but when I try to enter the spl char at the middle of the

It is removing the remaining all characters. If remove the comment at line # 32

It is giving functionality like when we type the special characters more than one

By pressing the shift button it is removing only first character..
Note :----- i am calling this function in onkeyup

function CheckValidity(textarea)
var key;
var keychar;
if (window.event)
key = window.event.keyCode;
else if (event)
key = event.which;
return true;

keychar = String.fromCharCode(key);
keychar = keychar.toLowerCase();
var allowedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890@,_.";
//var notAllowedChars = "~`!#$%^&*()+=|\\\"\/';:?";

if((allowedChars.indexOf(keychar) > -1) || key == 13 ){
return ;
else {
var temp = textarea.value ;
var tempkeychar = temp.charAt(i).toLowerCase();
if(! (allowedChars.indexOf(tempkeychar) > -1 )){
// alert("after charecter----"+notAllowedChars.indexOf(tempkeychar));
// for(j=0;j<tempkeychar.length;j++){
document.forms[0].email.value = temp.substr(0,i)//+temp.substr(i+1,temp.length);
//alert("before charecter----"+temp.substr(0,i));
Hello Friends how are you..Hope you all fine.
Here my question is regarding not allowing the special charecters
in the email.I have taken the allowed charecters and not allowed charecters.
its working fine but i have to take only allowed charecters and other than
this charecters should not be allowed.So please help me out how to solve this by removing the notallowed charecters

function CheckValidity(textarea)
var key;
var keychar;
if (window.event)
key = window.event.keyCode;
else if (event)
key = event.which;
return true;

keychar = String.fromCharCode(key);
keychar = keychar.toLowerCase();
var allowedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890@,_.-";
var notAllowedChars = "~`!#$%^&*()+=|\\\"\/';:?";

if((allowedChars.indexOf(keychar) greaterthan -1) || key == 13 ){

return ;
else {
var temp = textarea.value ;
for(i=0;i lessthan temp.length;i++){
var tempkeychar = temp.charAt(i);
if(notAllowedChars.indexOf(tempkeychar) greaterthan -1){
// alert("after charecter----"+notAllowedChars.indexOf(tempkeychar));
document.forms[0].email.value = temp.substr(0,i)+temp.substr(i+1,temp.length);
//alert("before charecter----"+temp.substr(0,i));
Dear Friends
I am getting the Email validation probelm
i have give n like this in the text area
"" it is giving the error
like this
" #34;
It should not give the ascii charecters pls help me out.this is the code for that..i need to enter the emails in the text area
for( var i = 0; i < vEmailsToAdd.size(); i++ )

//if( currentEmails.toLowerCase().indexOf( vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i ).toLowerCase() ) == -1 )
if(!vectorOfEmails.contains(vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i ).toLowerCase()))
// The email address it NOT there already. Add it:
if( currentEmails != "" )
// The textarea is NOT empty.
if( currentEmails.charAt( currentEmails.length-1 ) == "," )
// The last char is a <comma>, so add a space and the email address
currentEmails += " " + vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i );
// The last char is not a <comma>, so add the <comma>+<space>+ email here
currentEmails += ", " + vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i );
// The textarea is empty. Just put the first address in it.
currentEmails = vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i );
Hello Friends how ru ..
I want to about the which package it is ?
what is the use of this class.
i could not get the correct information from google

19 years ago
Hai Friends,

I have connected to server and waiting for reply from the server
and suddenly server crashed OR server unable to respond then i have to
come out how it is possible

thanks for ur reply ...

in my case i am successfully connected with servre with
the socket and waiting for some response from the server
if the server is failed OR some other problem for the server
i should come out this will possible
Hello Friends,

how to set the timeout for the operation?
my question is i have send a request to the server and
waiting for resonse. how to come out from that and continuew my operation
if the server is not responding.

How do you prevent Java from hanging on socket = new Socket(addr, port) line if the machine on the other end is not responding?

Is this possible in Java?

Thanks, Otis