triveni sangam

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since Jan 12, 2001
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Recent posts by triveni sangam

Check ur seems that ur application is not getting the required classes.
22 years ago
the code is
module sysinfo {
interface SysInfo {
string getInfo();
23 years ago
If I click on a link, it will call a servlets get method. How can I make it call the post method of the servlet. In other words, if i click a href, it should call the doPost method instead doGet method of the servlet.
23 years ago
Hi, I am new programmer to CORBA. I have installer visibroker 3.3 on 98 machine which has win 98 on it.
When i try to complie idl file using idl2java it gives th e following error
Exception in thread main java.lang.classcastexception at

Can anybody help me out.
23 years ago
U can instantiate the class in the JSp, import if it is in another package and call the methods of the class directly in the scriptlet.
HI, I am not very sure, but I think u have to add the path of ur package to ur classpath. That should solve ur problem.
23 years ago
Going with MVC arch, jsp are mainly used to is adviceble to load the bean with all connectivity and other problems and let the jsp simply display what it gets.
23 years ago
This is a problem quite amuses me as well.
Try javac *.java this will work but I do not have explanation.
23 years ago
if u r using Java2 to compile and run ur RMI application, u should have to have a policy file which gives Security permissions to ur classes. This is a new security related concept introduced in jdk 1.2.
U should not get this problem if u use a policy file.I dont have the policy file but u can get it on the net.
23 years ago
The system is clearly saying that it is unable to find the stub class to load. Did u check the package hierarchy ? Is the class in the right directory. I think this should solve ur problem.
23 years ago
Can anybody help me to send attachments using Java Mail API. I tried this before (i dont have the code with me thou) The attachment dose go but not in a redable fashion.
23 years ago