muthu kumaran

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Recent posts by muthu kumaran

Thanks Herman for the response. I am clear with the first one, but not clear with the second one.

ejbActivate will not be called by the client directly as is the case with ejbCreate too.

The question was which methods wud be called on direct response to a client's action and 'ejbActivate' also fits that role..

I am not sure about the correct answers for Q5 and Q15 on chapter 6 of HFEJB

Q5) What are legal declarations for a CMP bean
The option B is right , but what is wrong with Option D

public int ejbCreate() throws CreateException

Q15) Which methods are always called in direct response to a client operation?

The options B) ejbCreate C) ejbRemove have been marked right
But option D) ejbActivate is left out. why is it so?

ejbActivate is called only on response to a client invoking some method and not by the container whenever it wants to ..

Can anyone throw some light on this?

Thanks everyone for the info.

Only in Stateful session beans(BMT), in ejbCreate(), you can access UserTransaction methods, but not all the methods.

Does the spec specify which methods can be accessed and which cannot?

I have some doubts that could be in the 'ejbCreate' method
of Stateful session beans.

HFEJB mentions that
'setting rollbackonly' and getting the status of rollback(CMT) cannot be done in ejbCreate (thro' SessionContext) whereas these operations could be performed using 'UserTransactions' in BMT.

What is the reason behind this?

Thanks for the help!!
For a bean using BMT Demarcation , if we
set userTransaction.setRollbackOnly()
and if we use userTransaction.commit() at a later point in the code , will the transaction be committed or rolled back

Could anyone throw some ideas on this?

Thanks Cheenu..
So in the case of session beans(Stateful) passivation is just taking the
bean out of memory and placing it somewhere . The bean still holds the client state , whereas in the case of entity beans , the bean is disassociated from the data it is holding and goes to the pool ...
The question Q4 goes as which methods can call 'isCallerInRole' for a stateful session bean

Options that are shown as right ones are


The question Q6 goes as which methods can call 'getCallerPricipal'for a CMP entity bean

Here it says 'ejbActivate' and 'ejbPassivate' cannot call the above said method as there is no client associated with the bean.

Although the spec also says the same , I am not able to understand this.

How come a session bean would be associated with a client during 'ejbActivate' and 'ejbPassivate' when an entity bean cannot ?

Could anyone throw some light on this ?

Thanks Alec and Jason
18 years ago
I am new to struts and have some basic doubt in using it.
I have read that the first point of contact in struts should be
the controller servlet.

But , what if I need a page to collect some information from the user
Can I directly call the page (say input.jsp) or should I go thro a
dummy xxxAction servlet which will forward to the "input.jsp"

Can anyone enlighten me on this

18 years ago
Hi ,
I have a question on security

Are all the J2EE compliant containers required to support CLIENT-CERT. Does by the servlet specification mention this?

I would like to know, what sort of errors would be caught during transalation phase in a JSP life cycle.

Hi All
Does the container allow an user to request a servlet using its fully qualified class name instead of using an url-pattern?

I know that tomcat 5.x is not allowing so.
But I have seen some mock questions specifying such a request as a valid one.

Can anyone enlighten me on this ?

1) When a GET request is made to an implementation of an HttpServlet which does not
override the doGet() method ,Tomcat throws up an Exception. Is this behaviour specific to tomcat or is it mentioned in the specification to do so?

2)Is the authentication method CLIENT-CERT supported by all application conatainers ?

If the question were to be like what you said

"what if the web container could not automatically find the TLD file; what would you use in thr 'uri' attribute that would tell the container where to find the TLD file.


then ofcourse Option C would be the right option, but the question is a little ambiguous .Also the explanation provided provides a wrong notion

It says
" In the absence of a <taglib> element in DD the 'uri' must be a full path
relative to the application root"

may be the explanation could have been more precise.

Anyway , thanks for clearing my doubt Bryan


I read in the spec that "the filter chain can block the request by not making the call to invoke the next entity

The filter here refers to a chain of filters and NOT FilterChain class