Sheetal Kaul

Ranch Hand
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since Nov 29, 2004
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Recent posts by Sheetal Kaul


Yeah i got that, 3tier/n tier is not for integration of server side and client side things, this is just to reduce the load on server ..right??? then what is the difference between MVC -1 and MVC-2 ???
as both (MVC -1 and MVC-2) are used for the same purpose... is MVC-2 related to 3 tier/ n tier??

Please reply
- Sheetal

As you mentioned in the above answer that in MVC we can modify the server side methods without affecting client side code. that means we Cant do this in 3 tier...???

other this is you said we can use MVC irrespective of tier? i was under impression that in 3-tier also we can use irrespective of tier..??

Please explain..

- Sheetal

I am planning to take this exam, am new to java, s dont know how to get the detailed information related to the exam objectives,

please provide me any links or books which will help me to pass this exam.

Thanx in advance
18 years ago

I am using text file as a database &

input = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(aFile) );

by using the up line am reading the data from the text file. but am not getting the updated records, & not getting wat to do with this.

18 years ago

Have developed an application which is based on car booking. but the problem am facing is am not able to refresh the card layout at the same time when am adding the new customer, coz it is not showing the new customer added after clicking on list button, but when i closed the aaplication & then click on List it is showing that newly added one.

so please help me to solve this problem, am not getting what should i do more to solve this.


Have developed an application which is based on car booking. but the problem am facing is am not able to refresh the card layout at the same time when am adding the new customer, coz it is not showing the new customer added after clicking on list button, but when i closed the aaplication & then click on List it is showing that newly added one.

so please help me to solve this problem, am not getting what should i do more to solve this.

18 years ago

I'm planning to take the test in june 1st or 2nd week, have completed the preparation but want to give more mock exams, where can i get Marcus' mock exams or some other which are usefull for the preparion...

please give me some links..

18 years ago

I have a program which is printing 22, but i am not getting how?
i think it is calling Extension object so it should print 16...


class Base {
int i;
Base() { add(1); }
void add(int v) { i += v; }
void print() { System.out.println(i); }
class Extension extends Base {
Extension() { add(2); }
void add(int v) { i += v*2; }
public class Qd073 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
bogo(new Extension());
static void bogo(Base b) {

please explain how this program will work

ok now i got that..

using y1.equals("Spencer") we are checking the contents of y1, so it is giving true. right?

Thanx again
ok so we are creating the reference & object also using the 'new' operator. & in "Spencer" it is creating only reference, not an object, so not getting the heap memory. if we want to check the object whether it is equal to any value like "Spencer" then will have to check that using .equals or .equalsIgnoreCase. right?

please correct me if am going wrong.

Thanx for the Help
ok .. then suppose this example

public class ExampleTwo {

public static void main(String [] args) {

String y1 = new String("Spencer");

if (y1 != "Spencer") {
System.out.println("You will be picked up early on Tuesday");
else {
System.out.println("You will need to stay all day Tuesday");

then why this condition (y1 != "Spencer") is true?

Please Explain
[ May 05, 2005: Message edited by: Sheetal Kaul ]
I am having problem with the following code.. why the value of y1 is not "Spencer" , why this condition (y1 == "Spencer") is false?


public class ExampleTwo {
public static void main(String [] args) {
String y1 = new String("Spencer");
String y2 = "Spencer";

System.out.println("y1 :: "+y1);
System.out.println("y2 :: "+y2);

if (y1 != "Spencer")) {
System.out.println("You will be picked up early on Tuesday");
else {
System.out.println("You will need to stay all day Tuesday");

please explain

I am preparing for SCJP, studying about the modifiers, my qn is why we cannot use 'this' in static method.?

please explain

This program is is not giving any problem at compile time, bt at run time nullPointerException is coming,

please explain


[ May 03, 2005: Message edited by: Sheetal Kaul ]

( tags added for clarity)
[ May 03, 2005: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
ok, the value which is changed here is the value of year only, right? then after that in the method we are assigning the d2 to d1, so it should effect d1 also, bt we are getting 1999 only instead of 2000 in d1.

Why so?

i think am getting confused here, please explain me,
