Michael Coleman

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since Nov 30, 2004
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We are currently seeking an eBusiness Systems Analysts that will be working on web-based applications for a small insurance company. The successful candidate will provide project leadership on small/medium-sized projects, analyze and define computer systems requirements and corresponding business issues, provide consultative services to users, Programmer Analysts and other IT professionals regarding the application of systems analysis to business problems. Provide mentoring to Programmer Analysts. Write code, test applications, perform production recoveries and maintain applications in an n-tier, object oriented environment, including XML, J2EE, Websphere App Server, UNIX, Websphere Portal Server (Portlets), Servlets and Oracle.

Define, analyze and create plans for projects utilizing IT systems development methodology. Lead project teams in completing assigned tasks, assigning work to project teams, tracking progress, verifying completion of programming assignments according to program standards and reporting regularly to the Program Office.

Analyze existing systems for improvements and evaluate proposed systems for feasibility. Provide systems analysis, user support, and develop program specifications for specific business applications.

Develop and distribute programming specifications based on analysis. Write code, test, maintain and enhance web based applications.

Bachelor's degree in computer science (or related field) plus four years of directly related work experience.
19 years ago