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Recent posts by SAIYED

This link will give you source code for 1. Beer App compression Filter and 2. Struts versions.

HFS Official site
Update to my previous posting:
It is over 4 days and still waiting for the UCF. I do not think they are interested in the sale.
I even posted a message to Siva from Whizlab for help but whole day passed by and no response from whizlab.
I have given up and working with Credit card processing company to get my money back.
I wanted to speed up the exam prep by buying this and here I am spending all the time sending mail after mail to whizlab begging for UCF for which I paid in full.
I suggest, do not buy the products from them unless you would like to have headache!!
I just wanted to share with everyone my experience with Whizlab so far.

1. Their autoactivate feature does not work.
2. Their manual activate feature does not work either.
3. Their support sucks. I mailed them yesterday about my problem and requested the UCF but have not heard anything yet.
4. Then they have in their FAQ that all their products(including exam simulators) have online versions and are available free of charge. They have the steps also in their FAQ how to access it. For that you will have to log on to their website. Well they took that away or down for somereason. I used the search of their website to look for login link and it did report. when i clicked, it forwarded to page not found error page.
I reported this also to them but no response yet either.

Very frustrating experience. I endup spending whole evening working on their issues which i could have spend doing hands on practice.

Update: Have already sent 5 msgs to them but no reply. I am going to wait for little long and then request a hold on payment from my Credit card company. This is crazy.
[ February 01, 2005: Message edited by: SAIYED ]
Thanks for your help and insight into tomcat. tomcat Manager did help a lot. I was able to find out the problem and correct it. It is nice to know that your application is correctly deployed and running before accessing it via IE.
Thanks once more
Thanks patrik, I did try renaming to remove the - but still the same issue.
If I start the tomcat and then copy form.html file under beer-v1 app it works fine until i stop and restart the tomcat.

I am assuming with so many people going through HFS they must have tried the sample app "hands on". then why it only me who it getting the error?
May be its only me who is so ignorant about tomcat working and setup.

Hey guys, please help!
Since I am working on this at home, I do not have access to that very file but here I typed in what that file has. It is from HFS chapter 3 Handon MVC sample application. (I may have done a typo)

As i mentioned, when i made a copy of tomcat sample application jsp-examples and named it "b". it worked until i restarted my tomcat service.
The same problem i get with my sample application.
It almost like app is not getting auto deployed or getting some error and not getting deployed.( I can understand error in my app but copy is tomcat sample app should have everything right). So I am ruling out error theory. Now there could be a step in deployment i might be missing but i did exactly what they said in book.

<web-app xmlns=""

<servlet-name>Ch3 Beer</servlet-name>

<servlet-name>Ch3 Beer</servlet-name>

I am using the post method in my form as mentioned in the example in Chapter 3
Here si the html for the form
<h1 aligh="center">Beer Selection</h1>
<form method="POST" action="">
Select Beer Characteristics<p>
<select name="color" size="1">
<option> light
<option> amber
<option> brown
<option> dark
<input type="submit">
I am very new to tomcat and trying to get my very first web application up and running. This is the web app from the book Head First Servlet and JSP named Beer-v1(Chapter 3: Hands on MVC)

Tomcat version: 5.0.28
Platform: Windos 2000
I have following structure


When I start the tomcat service and try to run my web app via IE
http://localhost:8080/Beer-v1/form.html , it gives me resource could not be found error.
If while tomcat is running, I create another folder under webapps and copy my form.html there and invoke it via IE it works fine. But if I stop and restart the tomcat service this also stops working.

i even made a copy of one of example application that comes with tomcat, that also act the same.
I know, I am doing something wrong and not setting some configuration files.
Please help. It's stopping me from doing lots of handon and understaning key concepts.
I am very new to tomcat and trying to get my very first web application up and running. This is the web app from the book Head First Servlet and JSP named Beer-v1

Tomcat version: 5.0.28
Platform: Windos 2000
I have following structure


When I start the tomcat service and try to run my web app via IE
http://localhost:8080/Beer-v1/form.html , it gives me resource could not be found error.
If while tomcat is running, I create another folder under webapps and copy my form.html there and invoke it via IE it works fine. But if I stop and restart the tomcat service this also stops working.

i even made a copy of one of example application that comes with tomcat, that also act the same.
I know, I am doing something wrong and not setting some configuration files.
Please help
[ December 12, 2004: Message edited by: tomcat learner ]