Joseph Clifton

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since May 22, 2005
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Recent posts by Joseph Clifton

I'll work on the looup table in a bit.

As for the exceptions thing, I just want to program to quit when the user clicks "cancel", I don't want a message explaining the exception. That's the reason why I did the catch statement.
18 years ago
Hey guys, pretty cool forum you guys seem to have here, I'll probably be sticking around.

Anyways, I'm finishing up a year-long course in Java at my high school and I've learned almost nothing. What I have learned, I've had to teach myself. Anyways, here's a very simple program I just wrote that translates text into "1337-speak" (yes I think this is very stupid but one of my friends said I couldn't do it so I did it). My style isn't very normal and ya'll probably won't like that, but please take a look and give me pointers as I'm looking to learn as much as I can about Java.

[ May 22, 2005: Message edited by: Joseph Clifton ]

edit: the formatting seemed to get further messed up when I copied and pasted it. Sorry not sure wha tthe best way to do this is.

[ May 22, 2005: Message edited by: Joseph Clifton ]
[ May 22, 2005: Message edited by: Ernest Friedman-Hill ]
18 years ago