biswa mishra

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since Jun 07, 2005
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Recent posts by biswa mishra

Peter Johnson wrote:This sounds like a standalone Java application; it does not sound like a WAR, EAR, RAR, SAR or other Java EE application. You cannot deploy something like that in JBoss AS.

Why are you trying to deploy this in JBoss AS? What is your goal for doing this, or what are the capabilities that you think JBoss AS will bring to your application? If we knew that perhaps we could provide some guidance as to what you could do.

Hi ,

Actaully This Java EE application , I wanted to deploy these java services remotely , i will configure active mQ and by using Camel-context , i can use these deployed services as Service Consumers . This is not Standalone Java programs rather i wanted to deploy these as Java Services instead of creating web services , so i am looking at if i can create EAR,JAR.. something which can be deployed .

Reply me if you understand what i am planning to do ?

13 years ago

Greetings to all JBOSS users !!!

I am facing a techinical Challenges in JBoss App servers, Needs your help or suggestions in this regards ..

I am developing one Java Application , not web application . I will be using spring DI's in it , This application will connect to Database using Spring's JDBC template . i want this application to be deployed in JBOSS as .jar file. I will be using camel-context.xml inside the application , actaully i will configure Active MQ in JBOSS and My deployed application will always listen to the Queue port . i donot have any challenge in configuring the Active MQ part . what i am looking at this point , can any body suggests me how can i deploy .JAR file in JBOSS .This is not at all a web modules, else i could have deployed .war file as usually we deploy in J2ee apps server .
One more things this is not an traditional EJB application also .

So if some one can advise me what and how i can deploy the .JAR file in JBOSS ? Or if someone can suggests me is there any other options i can follow to achive the same in JBOSS ?

A quick help will be highly appricated ...


13 years ago
Hi All,
i am using displaytags to display employee displaytags, while displaying the values, i am using one checkbox which becomes a editable column for "select all" operations.

For doing so, i am writing checkbox decorator, which is working fine for selecting individual checkbox. but i need to put one checkbox on the column heading (in <display:table ), so that i can do "select all" for selecting all employees.
Can anybody help me to do this?
Another problem i am facing , i need to add "tooltip" text to one of employeeid column, so that for each employee mouse should display tooltips.

How to do this?

if any one has any solution please mail me your suggestions in my mail id

18 years ago

thanks for reply, but i can do "select All" by using javascript,but i need to know how to put a checkbox in displaytags table header....

check ename sal

in the above diagram, in place of text "check", i need to put one checkbox in display tags table header....

Do you have any solution for this, again this checkbox should be editable..
so i will write one decorator....

Again,how to use tooltip text in display tags

reply me soon,

18 years ago
Hi All,
i am using displaytags to display employee displaytags, while displaying the values, i am using one checkbox which becomes a editable column for "select all" operations.

For doing so, i am writing checkbox decorator, which is working fine for selecting individual checkbox. but i need to put one checkbox on the column heading (in <display:table ), so that i can do "select all" for selecting all employees.
Can anybody help me to do this?
Another problem i am facing , i need to add "tooltip" text to one of employeeid column, so that for each employee mouse should display tooltips.

How to do this?

if any one has any solution please mail me your suggestions in my mail id

18 years ago