Abhi Mahimkar

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since Jul 05, 2005
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Recent posts by Abhi Mahimkar

Thank you all..

I will look into the reflection tuts...

Also i forgot to tell you all that our validation checks are basically all the complex logic possible & we have defined them in a TREE structure.The DB is similar to what Pascal has provided.So is there any other way to pull up the validation rules & execute them knowing that they are in a TREE structure.Meaning that

Any better way to handle the tree structure of preparing the validation ?
17 years ago
Hi All -

I need to have your views on the following problem.

I have an object say "TestObj".
It has the following attribute String "Attribute_A","Attribute_B".
For one of my current needs i have stored these Class.Attribute in DB.
e.g. TestObj.Attribute_A and TestObj.Attribute_B.
In my Server side code i am fetching these values from the DB.
Now i have to do some validation on these attributes which i retrieved from DB thinking as if they were the actual objects attribute.
TestObj.Attribute_A > "500"
TestObj.Attribute_B == "testString".

These validations have to be done on Server side and can be changed dynamically and hence are stored in DB.

Please let me know if anyone of you have done or read about such a problem earlier.Also i am open to your suggestion.

17 years ago

Originally posted by Dharam Singh:

Don't get so tensed.If rejected you won't be hanged or penalised.If you are very much obsessed about going there:
1)Don't show any fake experience.
2)Keep Incometax receipts ready.
3)Keep experience letters ready.
4)Act like a smart man and not begger.
Thats all I can say.
Dharam(People's work is God's work)

Hi Dharam,
Thanks for ur reply....
Well i will never act as a begger,but if i get rejected it would be very difficult for me to sustain myself in my company & i do not want to leave this company at least for 6 more months due to some reasons....SO what can i do to have a positive attitude while going to the interview...i have all my documents ready..thats not a problem...but God knows why do i get nervous when i m there interviewing....
Also i m not that keen on going to US but my company wants me to be in US...thats all i can say...

18 years ago
Hi All,

My company has filed for my H1B visa & my interview date is on 30th of November.Earlier my B1 had been rejected,so i am a bit tensed about this interview.I have the following questions :-
1) Can you ranchers please share your H1 interview experience [as to what were you asked & what answers did you give].
2) Are there any tips to be kept in mind to have a smooth interview.?
3) And finally, i have a problem that whenever i face a interview i get too much nervous & even if i know the answer i am not able to express it to the other person.How should i deal with this ? How do i think positively & get the self-confidence to boost myself ?

Please advice.

18 years ago
Hi All,

Recently my company had filed for my B1 [Business] visa & it got rejected as the client was not mentioned in the invite letter.

I have my H1B visa also filed for the current year [2006 - 2007].So my questions are :-
1) Does the rejection of B1 impact my H1?What more should i do to prepare?
Any good sites where i can get info. on H1B questions & all related to it.
2) What should i answer during my H1b interview ,if the counsellor asks me why your B1 visa was rejected ?
3) In the case of B1 business visa ,i am thinking that in the invite letter there should be client's name mentioned.Am i correct ?And if the client name is not there [then my company is at fault for not ensuring that & then its me].Also am i supposed to bluff any client[say XYZ] when i am asked about the client in the B1 business visa interview ?
Please advice me on the above.
Awaiting your replies.
18 years ago