sasikumar palakkizhi

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since Sep 11, 2005
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Recent posts by sasikumar palakkizhi

Hi all,

I am using ant with eclipse to build a project. I am doing the project in eclipse from an existing source. For building the project, I have done the set up using External Tools dialog in eclipse.In my ant script, I am using a task defined as wlappc which is defined in weblogic.jar. I have added all the classes required. The version of weblogic is 8,jdk used is 1.4 and ant used is 1.7 ( I tried with 1.5 too).

Now I am getting the trace as given below. When I googled, I read that this can be caused by version incompatibility. But I am not very sure about this. What will be the cause of this and how can I correct it.

Thanking you in advance


16 years ago

thanks for the replies. The purpose here is just to demonstrate the use of MVC pattern and I am not allowed to use struts-tiles. What I have done is , I wrote a controller ( that is a servlet) which accepts all input requests from browser.The jsp files are used as views. However simple the structure is, it is more welcome.

Can I go for a table structure, where the the first column includes the left hand side( static) jsp file and the second column the changed ones? Also I thought of using some dhtml set too like using div.Which one is recommended?

Please advise.

thanks and regards

16 years ago

thanks for the replies.

I removed the target attribute. Then also it is not working. My web.xml is

Could you tell me what method can be used instead of frameset?

thanking you in advance,

16 years ago
Hi All,

I am using a frameset in which there is a left frame and a right frame. The left frame is having four links, which on click should display the respective jsp on right hand side.
This is working fine for me. But, when I submit the right hand side jsp, there are no changes on the screen. What is the reason for this and how can I rectify this.
I haven�t done any configuration of jsp in web.xml. I am using a controller servlet( MVC architecture) and the same is mapped in web.xml with url pattern <B> /Controller </B>

The relevant parts of the code are

The Frameset is

The left frame is

The right frame is

Please help and guide me by providing a solution for this

Is there an alternate better solution for this other than frame set?

thanks and regards

16 years ago
Hi all,

I have produced WAR file of a struts projects which is running fine in Tomcat. Is it possible to deploy this project directly in weblogic server. Do I have to do any configuration for this.

This was an interview question asked to me. I haven't experimented on this since i don't have web logic server. I answewred yes, assuming war files can be deployed in any server without any changes. Am I correct?

thanks and regards

17 years ago
Hi all,

When i was practising one HttpSessionBindingListener program from HFSJ, I noticed that the listener methods are not producing the results as I expected.

The program was to print 'bound', when an object of type X is bound to the session and print 'unbound', when it is unbound. I added the object of type X two times using the code. The session attributes with name "sample" has been set in the valueBound and valueUnbound methods for monitoring in the doGet method of the servlet.

( relevant parts shown below ; request, session and pw are Servletrequest,HttpSession and PrintWriter objects).


The code used for the class implementing HttpSessionBindingListener X is

Result obtained is

I expected that when I bind "new X()" for the second time to the same key, the first bound object will be removed and the valueUnbound method will be called(as well as valueBound). This is not happening. why?

"System.out.print("B")" ( commented in the question) is not producing any output.why

Please help in this topic.

thanks in advance
17 years ago
Hi all,

When i was practising one HttpSessionBindingListener program from HFSJ, I noticed that the listener methods are not called.

The program was to print 'B', when an object of type X is bound to the session and print 'UB', when it is unbound. I added the object of type X two times using the code ( relevant parts shown below ; request, session and pw are Servletrequest,HttpSession and PrintWriter objects).The session attributes with name "sample" has been set in the valueBound and valueUnbound methods for monitoring in the doGet method of the servlet.


The code used for X is

Result obtained is

I expected that when i bing "new X()" for the second time to the same key, the first bound object will be removed and the valueUnbound method will be called(as well as valueBound). This is not happening. why?

"System.out.print("B")" ( commented in the question) is not producing any output.

thanks in advance
17 years ago

The problem was due to a syntax error. Though I was working on this problem for a long time, i couldn't notice it. Then I read the already discussed topic "EL param and page scope vars posted on November 22, 2005" a second time, and realised that I should use request.getParameter("paramName") and it worked. The quote was missing in my previous question..

Thanks once again to this forum

17 years ago

When I used ${param.paramName} in an included jsp page using <jsp:include>, I got the paramName displayed. But in the same place when I used <%= request.getParameter(paramName) %> , it shows an internal server error as "paramName cannot be resolved" what is the reason for this. The relevant part of the code is given below

including page - testInclude.jsp

included page - BasicCounter.jsp

I had referred some earlier discussion on this topics in the forum. What I understood from that discussion is " both are same" . Could anybody point out the problem.

Thanks in advance
17 years ago
Thanks for the immediate answers to adeel and ben...

17 years ago
Hi Ben,

Thanks for the help... using ieHTTPHeaders, i could understand that internet explorer generates only get and post requests irrevelent of the actual method i used in the form.

another point... does that mean ... we should have a client application rather than browser if we want to use put,head,trace and option methods?

thanks .. once again for the immediate help

17 years ago

1. I used a file "form.html" and a java file "" for understanding the working of HTTP requests. When I overrided doTrace only in the HttpServlet in my class file, and requested for a resource using "PUT" method from an html file, i got a message that HTTP method Get is not supported by the URL.

2. Also I overrided doHead method only and used a form submission method of HEAD, I got the same message " HTTP method Get is not supported by the URL"

What are the reasons for this.

The code used for the second case is shown below( relevant parts)

The servlet is properly configured in web.xml and is working when i set both the methods as get.

Thanks in advance

17 years ago
I think it is because jsp manages session by using both cookies and urlrewriting. If the container doesn't see a cookie , it will be looking for sessionID
17 years ago
Hi Mr.Ben Souther,

It is working fine. Thanks for the reply.. When I mapped in web.xml, all the implicit objects are available in the page..

Thanks once again for the immediate answer

17 years ago
Hi all,

I was experimenting with the init-param of a jsp file. My web.xml is

and the jsp page "BasicCounter.jsp" is

I got a result

My email is null
email is null

client email is

I expected that since pageContext object is available in the page I can access the init-param values using that object. The same is the case with application object too. What is the reason for this behaviour?
17 years ago