vinod bonde

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since Oct 03, 2005
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Recent posts by vinod bonde

Originally posted by Ronald Heukers:
How Vinod?

regards Ronald

U can throw some javascript code (That reloads the other window either opener or the child window ) along with the response. u need to do it when there is any change in session variable value
18 years ago
could u please copy and paste the error stack trace here
18 years ago
forward does move the control to the url specified
It happen on the server only

sendredirect :- The server sends an http error message to the browser saying this resource has been moved to some other location and then the browser is redirected to the specified url

include :
- static include
contents from the given url and copied to the jsp before comilation
- dynamic include
output of the specified url are placed where the include is mentioned
18 years ago
One simpler solution i would like to suggest here that whenever u have change in the session variable value in either of the window u can refresh/reload the other window so that both the windows are having sessions in sync
what do u say ?

18 years ago
Tell me what kind of test engine u r designing. if u have everything running on the client side u can surely use javascript for this purpose.
if u have frames still u can use javascript. If u r making a trip to server for each section or question then u can think of something request time etc
18 years ago