Paolo Botta

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since Oct 13, 2005
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Recent posts by Paolo Botta

Sorry for the croos, I was not sure the right place was JSP or Servlet.
First part of your answer is really intersting, I have to study it a little.
Second part can't be used, I have to compile the document on the server (AIX) and can't use jacob or any solution not pure java.

I tried to save (from WORD 2000) the doc in html and it produce a lot of html/xml and something else, but there are no true variables that I can compile. I'm going to try WORD 2003.

Thanks again
18 years ago
Hy, I'm translating an application from standard Windows environment to web/Servlet/JSP. This application is a data entry that at the end print some documents. These documents are in MSWord fromat and contains some DOCVARIABLE Fields to be filled. Now I know there is no pure java api to read MSWord documents, has anybody an idea of what is the better way. I mean save documents in RTF and use docvar, save documents in htm and ad some javascript code or any other format?
My Servlet or JSP has to fill the fields and send to the browser for printing.

Thanks for any clue
18 years ago
Hy, I'm translating an application from standard Windows environment to web/Servlet/JSP. This application is a data entry that at the end print some documents. These documents are in MSWord fromat and contains some DOCVARIABLE Fields to be filled. Now I know there is no pure java api to read MSWord documents, has anybody an idea of what is the better way. I mean save documents in RTF and use docvar, save documents in htm and ad some javascript code or any other format?
My Servlet or JSP has to fill the fields and send to the browser for printing.

Thanks for any clue
18 years ago