Sruthi Sen

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since Dec 20, 2005
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Recent posts by Sruthi Sen


yes, display tags can be used on struts frame work and are easy to use them.


Answer is 15 0 20

First i is local variable with value 5
i.e i=5

then it creates a object v that contains i=15
ie v.i=15 (initially)

then assigning v.i=25;

so it contains 25 now..

now calling with the values like second(25,5)

here in second method
we were assigning i=0 and v.i=20

again new object val is created and val.i=15

now V=Val ie now v points to Val object so
if we say v.i,it gives 15 and as we know i=0

now control goes to first method and here v is the original object
which got modified its i value to 20 in Second method

so answer is 15 0 20

Hope you got it

Hi all..

I just want to put DataGrid in the jsp and the only the Datagrid must get refresh if any change and am using Ajaxanywhere tags for it.

I just want to have some sample code which is not in the demo given and please anyone tell me the flow ..

Thank you

ya...the example in the tutorial itself is not working ...and there are no errors in the log....

wht could be wrong?

pls help..

thank you
17 years ago
hi ..

cewolf chart is not displayed on the jsp page
I went through the site to use cewolf
tags. I installed the jar files according to the
instructions given in the tutorial. The problem is i
could see an image icon on the jsp page but not the
actual image. I just used the same example which is
there on the site. Pls could any of you tell me what
is missing.

Thank you
17 years ago

Thank you So much....i could do it......

Thank you
17 years ago

Is there any way to draw a histogram from my action class to Excel file.
Is there any java api or any provision to do that.......

Please help..

Thank you
17 years ago

i think this is used if the user's session goes off and if he tries to do something on the page ,it asks for authentication and goes to the exact page where he lost his session...

here it is something like this ..if i have a link to a site or my appliation's page and a user who is not loggedin clicks it ..he should get authenticated and should go the page where the link exactly points to..

correct me if am wrong in understanding your help.

17 years ago
hi all..

In a web application if i have copied a URL of certain page and pasted in the address bar of another window..first we get authentication form ,and if we give username and password it goes to corresponding servlet or action class depending on the given code..but i need the control goes to the exact jsp or servlet which the URL specifies but not to the Home page as usual.

ie Direct access to a externally pasted URL after logging in successfully but not to the same old homepage.

plzz help me out .

Thank you
Sruthi sen.
17 years ago
thank you...mohan....

got solution :-)

17 years ago
hi friends....

can any body tell me how to hide the querystring parameters in the URL specified in anchor tag..

i cannot place a sumbit button in the jsp page that i can specify
method=post in the form tag and hide the parameters...

plzz give anyother way if not anchar tag..

17 years ago
Congrazzzttt kiran........

u got the magic number.........

plzzzz share ur effort with us.......

18 years ago
kiran.......but what if my super class method is Public method..........while overriding we cannot narrow the accessability...?

so. i think if the super class A's method is only of private.....then if we say in class B as final we can stop its inheriting to the sub class C.

i think its not possible with public method....

kiran.......but what if my super class method is Public method..........while overriding we cannot narrow the accessability...?

so. i think if the super class A's method is only of private.....then if we say in class B as final we can stop its inheriting to the sub class C.

i think its not possible with public method....

hi all

just look at this scenario..

B extends A and c extends B ..and we were overriding a method in B of Super Class A.
And i doesnt want that method gets used in class C.

With the keyword final we cannot override the method but we can use that overrided method of super class B in the class C.

I want to prohibit even that....Is there any way to do that.

Thank you
sruthi sen