Rafael Benevides

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since Jan 24, 2006
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Recent posts by Rafael Benevides


The Sequence Diagram was a quite detailed, showing DAOs and TOs
Hi Samuel,

Sorry for the late.

I used a high level Class Diagram, showing Domain Model Classes, Session Beans Remote Interface and Subsystem interfaces.

i think that i not explain it very well. At Class diagram, i show Classes (Domain Model) and i wrongly called it Entity. Entity Beans was only showed at Component Diagram... It was a mistake when i typed it.

I used TO�s and didn�t use any type of Factory. To�s was created by Session Beans.
I just put a comment at Component Diagram saying "Web User GUI is a web based application, composed by JSP and Servlets. Travel Agente GUI is a Swing based application provided by Java Web Start"
After waiting for exact 3 Weeks, my result came out.

Grade: P
Score: 77
Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 35
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 30
Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12

It is not a high score, but finally i can sleep more relax

My class diagram had 21 classes. I put different color to identify Entitys, Services (EJB), and Subsystens.
My Component Diagram had 15 components. I didn't not show jsp and servlets. I presumed that Client can be anything such (Web, Desktop, Mobile). I also put different colors to identify Entity Beans, Session Beans, Classes, Subsystems, etc.
My Sequence Diagram had nothing special, no colors, no method names, no parameters, etc..

My document had only one page with following topics:

* Design Goals
* Service level /Non-functional requirements
* Application Tiers
* Design assumptions and decisions
* List of J2EE and GOF Design patterns used
* Deliverables

I hope that this can help anyone.

Someone has any idea about the low score ?
Hi 4 all...

Can anybody give any clarifications about how can Itinerary have only one Customer in BDM.
My assumtions is that an Itinerary is pre defined by FBN like flying from London to Washington.
If i assume that an Itinerary is defined by Customer that chooses a collection of segments, how can an segment be in only one itinerary ?

Is that an mistake from FBN business analyst? I have been almost 2 weeks working in this solution...

I'll appreciate any clarification...
Hi 4 all,

Today, i've passed SCEA-I with 87%.

My scores was:

Concepts: 100%
Common Architectures: 66%
Legacy Connectivity: 80%
EJB: 88%
EJB Container Model: 100%
Protocols: 100%
Applicability of J2EE: 66%
Design Patterns: 80%
Messaging: 100%
Internationalization: 100%
Security: 100%

I've been studing since october and used cade's book and make all www.javaqueries.com mock.