Paul Trimming

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since Feb 02, 2006
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I am a VB programmer moving to Java.

With VB I always used Crystal Reports as a report writer. I am planning to do some private database Java work, and I was wondering what Java programmers do when they want to produce database reports. I presume that none of the free IDEs such as JBuilder come with a report writer built in.

I am especially interested in free opensource software, as I am a rather penniless programmer. The report software would need to integrate seamlessly with a Java database application, but I haven't decided what database I am going to use yet.

I would be grateful for recommendations for free or very cheap software.

Many thanks,

18 years ago

I am a VB programmer trying to learn Java with JBuilder Foundation.

I am looking for a Java combobox component with a multicolumn dropdown to use in my database app, and also a grid that will support embedding other controls such as a multicolumn combobox within one of the grid columns. (VB doesn't have such controls.)

I was wondering if there were any free opensource components such as the above that I could download from somewhere on the Net. Are there a good number of free Java components available generally, or should I try Delphi, perhaps, or something like that, because I am at my wits' end to find free well constructed relatively sophisticated GUI controls to use with Visual Basic. I have basically given up!!! Microsoft programmers insist on charging for their work....

If anyone can help me find the above GUI controls for Java, please help.

Many thanks,

18 years ago

I am a VB programmer trying to learn Java with JBuilder Foundation.

I am looking for a Java combobox component with a multicolumn dropdown to use in my database app, and also a grid that will support embedding other controls such as a multicolumn combobox within one of the grid columns. (VB doesn't have such controls.)

I was wondering if there were any free opensource components such as the above that I could download from somewhere on the Net. Are there a good number of free Java components available generally, or should I try Delphi, perhaps, or something like that, because I am at my wits' end to find free well constructed relatively sophisticated GUI controls to use with Visual Basic. I have basically given up!!! Microsoft programmers insist on charging for their work....

If anyone can help me find the above GUI controls for Java, please help.

Many thanks,

18 years ago