Divya Kamath

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since Feb 17, 2006
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Recent posts by Divya Kamath

i have created a workspace in eclipse that handles the recieving of mail using the java mail API.
This code creates a server to recieve messages and store them in a database.There are jsp pages stored in the webapps directory of tomcat that will be used by a client to query the database stored on the server.I want to start the server when the jsp page loads. How do i include the eclipse files into my jsp pages?
In better words,how do i access the value of a hyperlink (<ahref> tag) in a servlet?
18 years ago
I have a servlet which provides a hyperlink to another servlet in which processing pertaining to the hyperlink in the former takes place.Each hyperlink is dynamically generated and is given a unique identity so that it can be acessed in the processing servlet.How do i set a unique identification in the <a href> tag in the first servlet and how can i access the same in the target servlet?
18 years ago
Is it necessary to have IIS installed in order to have tomcat running?
18 years ago
No i dont have auto commit turned on.
By externally changing the values in the columns i meant that i open the access table and manually modify the values there, save the changes and close access.
i've used the same code (without auto commit) to test the other combinations of types and concurrency adn it works fine for all of them.
In TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,CONCUR_READ_ONLY, i display the result set as it is and then while the program is still running i manually change the values in access as i described above and when i print the result set in the same code for the second time, it does not show the change made(being of type insensitive).So it works fine in this case.
Is it a valid combination?
I have tried the following piece of code to view the resultSet in an Access database.

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select * from tableName);
//code to accept a new column value from the user....
res.UpdateString(/*column name*/);

The resultSet gets updated but it also displays the changes made to the database from another transaction. What am i doing wrong?

I have tried the following piece of code to view the resultSet in an Access database.

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select * from tableName);
//code to change one columd in the table....
res.UpdateString(/*column name*/);

The resultSet gets updated but it also displays the changes made to the database from another transaction. When i use TYPE_SROLL_INSENSITIVE and CONCUR_READ_ONLY, it works fine and does not display any changes.What am i doing wrong?

18 years ago
Thanks a ton for such an immediate response!will check out Apache James
18 years ago
I am creating an SMTP server in Java.I want to know how does one create the SMTP communication between the client and SMTP server.On the client-side, a socket connects to port 25 of the SMTP server,and sends mail using the JavaMail API.
I have the following queries:
1.Apart from the socket conenction and the Java Mail API, does anything else need to be done on the client side?
2.How do I create a protocol communication(helo,mail,rcpt etc) between the client and the SMTP server?Would i have to use sockets fro this or the mail API?
Please reply ASAP.
18 years ago