Aniah Ushie

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since Feb 17, 2006
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Howdy fellas! I'm working on a project that requires me use some API's (which are zipped Jar files). The vendors gave their instructions:
(a) Unzip the Zip file (I ravished that with Winzip)
*(b) The resulting (unzipped) directory has 3 directories among which is the lib directory, add all the .jar in the lib directory to ur Classpath. I did so thru the Enviroment Variable in Windows.

The problem now is that the example code which I am supposed to test doesnt compile. It imports some packages and classes which I can only see if I extract the Jars (ie jar xf jarFile). These imported classes and packages and their member functions are what javac complains about. I believe there's something I'm not doing right. I'll need someone to give me a detailed approach to using jar files in a program, thanks.
18 years ago