stuart armstrong

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since May 15, 2006
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Recent posts by stuart armstrong

I would like to create a GUI that allows a user to view 2 database tables and then drag and drop mappings - mapping the columns from database 1 to the columns in database 2. Does anyone know of an open source project that does something similar, or any relevant tutorials?
15 years ago
Thanks for that, the fourth link has just what I need.
16 years ago
Hi Does anyone know of any java code that can be used to perform a calculation on a string. e.g "(10*2)+3" - The code would return 23 as a double.

Thanks for any help
16 years ago
If I don't open a new window how would I get the servlet to redirect to the screen which has the button that the user has just clicked on?
17 years ago
<a href='/app/¶m=0' target='_blank' title='Download Report XML'>
<img vspace='0' align='absmiddle' border='0' src='images/auditlogicon/contract.gif'>
17 years ago
I am using the following code inside a Servlet to allow users to click on a button to download (open/save) an XML file - This works fine. However when the user clicks the download button a new browser window is opened. Is there anyway using Servlets to close this window? I thought about changing the content type then writing out some JavaScript to close the browser, however I don�t think this is possible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

response.setContentType( "text/xml" );
response.setHeader( "Content Disposition", "attachment;filename=downloadXML.xml" );

//send the data
response.getOutputStream().println( xmlDataString );
17 years ago