Arati Kulkarni

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since May 24, 2006
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Thanks Mark for reply.
I am in US on H4 visa.
I got admission for MS in Software Engg in San jose state university for fall 2006. And about the job - I got a consultant who is ready to file my H1b and will search for the assignment. But there is risk that if I do not get any assignment in a month then I have to change my visa status again to H4. As he is not ready to give salary in bench period.
So is it better if I do MS full fledged or take a risk of consultant?
Will higher education help me for better prospectives?
17 years ago
Syntel is good company. I was working in Pune's office. They have many good project in struts,EJB. In Pune , they have 2 offices - one in city and other in Nigadi.
About onsite, I think it is ok. I was working for few months so I dont have much knowledge.
17 years ago
I have 2 years of IT Exp. Now I got an admission for Masters in Software Engg in USA . Also one job consultant is ready to file my H1B with 2000$ fee. I am very confused which to accept. Will higher education help me or I should go for the work experience?
You opinion will help me to decide. so Please advise me.

17 years ago