sushant sawant

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since Apr 28, 2001
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theSocket=new Socket(e.inet,thePort);
in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(theSocket.getInputStream()));
out=new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(theSocket.getOutputStream()),true)
create input and oupput stream like this
and then get ur username from textfield like
and then send it to server with some initial string before it
so server can understand that it is username
like and get username from tht i think this much is enough.
thanks 4 thanks
This is wrt a chat project. I have created a canvas object which displays images (icons) with text as input by the user. This is added to a scrollpane. The problem is when the scrollbar is moved only the last line of the conversation is painted and the portion above the last line is lost. Kindly reply asap.
22 years ago
This is wrt a chat project. I have created a canvas object which displays images (icons) with text as input by the user. This is added to a scrollpane. The problem is when the scrollbar is moved only the last line of the conversation is painted and the portion above the last line is lost. Kindly reply asap.
22 years ago