Neel Joshi

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since Jun 29, 2006
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Recent posts by Neel Joshi

Originally posted by marc weber:

That kinda makes it 5.0, doesn't it?

I know, it's kind of confusing. But, if you read objectives carefully, It just includes "Enum Type" and "For Each" loop...No Generics No Autoboxing etc....and in the real exam i got quetions regarding enumeration and for each loop only.
[ March 29, 2007: Message edited by: Neel Joshi ]
17 years ago
It's J2SE 1.4 but includes enumeration and for-each loop from Java 5.0
17 years ago

Originally posted by Jay Dilla:
The more people that fail the more value the cert has imo.
So it's good that *some* people long as I don't.

We have some mean people out here...
17 years ago

Originally posted by Greg D Robinson:
I am currently studying for the SCJA, and purchased both of Cameron McKensize's books. I know both of those books forward and backwards, and was able to complete most (if not all) of the exams with way above average scores.

I figured as a final preparation, id get the Whizlabs exam preparation.

I was shocked when I pretty much bombed every test on there, and found that the questions had little to no relation to what I found in Cameron's book.

For anyone that has done both of these, what does the exam more closely resemble?

Thanks for your help!

If you want to score above 90%,Go through following three.

Sun's Practise Exams for SCJA

I got questions that were relted to questions from all above three.
[ March 16, 2007: Message edited by: Neel Joshi ]
17 years ago
Congratulations Subramanian,

Can you please share some of your what books/mocks did you use to prepare for the exam? How was exam? How much time did you take for preparation? I have been working with RAD6.0 for last one year and plannig to give this exam after I clear my SCJP5.0.


[ January 24, 2007: Message edited by: Neel Joshi ]
[ January 24, 2007: Message edited by: Neel Joshi ]
17 years ago

Only enumeration and for each loop of J2SE5.0 is included in SCJA. They are really very easy compare to other features of Java5. I used Java 5 Complete Reference to read those topics. You need to know how to code using enumeration and for each lool and why/where we should use them. You might want to know the UML representation of enumeration.
17 years ago
The First Snippet will compile, run and print 100.
The second Snippet will not compile.

In the First Snippet, i is cmpile time constant and its value 100 is in the range of byte so no explicit casting is required.

In the Second Snippet, i is not compile time constant. So, you have to explicitly cast the value of integer i to byte.

byte b = (byte)i will work.
[ January 03, 2007: Message edited by: Neel Joshi ]
Thank you all!


I studied for about two months but mostly in weekends due to heavy work pressure during weekdays. I have been working in Java for last one year.
17 years ago
Materials I used to prepare for the exam are:

SCJA Study Guide from ExamScam
Sun�s Practice test for SCJA
UML pdf available on JavaRanch
Some online material related to differences between RMI & Sockets, Swing & AWT ,enumeration, for each loop etc.

Thanks to Cameron McKenzie for providing good and probably the best study guide for SCJA in this time. I really liked the chapters related to UML and EJB.

I found the real exam quite similar but little easier than Sun�s practice exam.

Next target is SCJP5.0!
[ December 28, 2006: Message edited by: Neel Joshi ]
17 years ago
Cameron McKanzie,

When will your SCJA Guide be availabe for purchase??? Neighter I am able to buy it from your site nor it's available on Amazon....
[ August 29, 2006: Message edited by: Neel Joshi ]
17 years ago

Originally posted by ak pillai:
I would say in about 2-3 months.

Thanks. I will be waiting for it.
17 years ago
AK Pillai,

I am thinking to buy this book but interested in the latest release so any idea....When would be the new release of this book come up?
[ July 13, 2006: Message edited by: Neel JP ]
17 years ago