sam jose

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since Jul 02, 2006
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Recent posts by sam jose

Hi All,

Following is my understanding about setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) and setTransactionIsolation(int level) (both from java.sql.Connection ) :

'If I create a new db connection and use setAutoCommit(false), then perform some DB manipulation and closes the connection, by default the new connections will be in auto-commit mode.'

But if I am getting the connection object from the db connection pool, then performing the same operations and closes connection , what will be the status of that particular connection object instance when I use it again from the pool; will it be in 'auto-commit' mode or 'non-auto-commit' mode ?

Pls share your ideas

thanks in advance.

I guess you are deploying your war file using the JDeveloper.

I you add the third party jar in ProjectProperty >> Profiles >> Development >> Paths it will work in JDeveloper, but when you deploy (if you are deploying through JDev) the jar file won't be taken to WEB-INF/lib.

Make sure the third party jar file is included in ProjectProperty >> Profiles >> Development >> Libraries. In this case the jar file will be taken to the proper directory.

17 years ago
Thanks to you all.
17 years ago
Hi Adeel,

Is it really possible, with out storing the file ?
Can you give the details.

I request comments from Ranchers.

17 years ago

I think sending file as 'attachment (multipart)'/'apache file upload' will create a physical presence of the file in the server.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Can I read the file without creating a physical presence of the file in the server?

Thanks for the prompt reply
17 years ago
How can my Web application read a .txt file from the client machine and execute some DML statements to update the Database ?
Any comment is appreciated.
17 years ago