Prerna Bansal

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since May 01, 2001
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Recent posts by Prerna Bansal

However, does anyone know the demand for Java Certified Developers in Sydney? ]

I am a Sun Certified Java Developer. IMHO in the current job market where employers can choose between thousands of candidates for a single position, experience and only experience can make them notice your CV. 2-3 years ago certifiation without any experience would get you a job, but not today.

and also what is the number of Java Certified Developer in Sydney...I would love to know. ]

It would be difficult to find this sort of information. But I assume there would be a fair number of people with certifications.
21 years ago
Once you reach melbourne, you can keep looking for work and you might just be lucky.
In the meantime I don't think a postgraduate degree can do you any harm. And one can always hope that by the time you finish your degree, the job situation would have improved.
Many companies here also have a graduate recruitement process, you can check their websites for more details. You can try for internship along with your postgraduate studies, the pay would be very less but you will get good experience.
- Prerna
21 years ago
I have been working as a java developer in sydney for the past two years. I was recently looking for a job change and its a tough market out there.
90% of the companies are looking for senior developers with more than 5 years of experience.
Most of the companies also want "Australian experience" and nobody cares about any certifications any longer, they just want solid experience with well-known companies.
I am not trying to discourage anybody here but I think without any industry experince it would be really difficult to get a job in sydney.
21 years ago
I just checked out your website and it looks great. Keep up the good work.
21 years ago
I work for a software firm in sydney. The IT job market here has slowed down a lot since the past few months. If you are a citizen or a permanent resident, you might be able to find something that suits you but if you're looking for visa sponsorship then tough luck.
You can check out the following job sites -
22 years ago
call requestFocus after making your frame visible.
22 years ago
you are using the following constructor for creating a JTable.
JTable(Vector rowData, Vector columnNames)
The rowData shuld be a Vector of Vectors, whereas in your code rowData is a Vector of Strings.
22 years ago