Manny Bonds

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since Aug 04, 2006
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Also one quick question. Based on what I found from research even though this field pays very good, developers are not treated well. You work a lot of overtime hours and barely have any life. For anyone working in this field how far is this from the truth. Thanks for all the advice.
17 years ago
Good advice, but as a developer how do I gain understanding of all these financial products hedge funds, derivatives, fixed income etc? And if I dont have a good understanding of these how do I demonstrate to the employer that my lack of knowledge about finance would not limit my ability to work in this field.
17 years ago
Quick suggestion. If you are running the file deltion code on a windows machine execute call for garbage collection System.gc() before you delete the file. This ensures under windows that all resources including file resoruces are released.

This may be an expensive call depending on the speed of your processor or heap size. You may want to pool all file deletions and run once when system is in down time.

***Not necessary under unix machines
17 years ago
Hi ranchers this is my very first post here. I have been developing java web applications for about 4years. I am very interested in working with and developing financial applications for banks/hedge funds/securities/derivatives etc.

From the little research I did, it seems its really hard to break into this field since they require you to have knowledge of financial products eg. hedge funds. For those of you who work developing apps in this space what would you recommend would be my best approach into getting in this field. All advice appreciated.
17 years ago