Roof Age

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since May 07, 2001
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Recent posts by Roof Age

I am very new to distributed computing. Could someone please tell me how to call procedures(written in C/C++) on a remote server from a client through Java. I just need a starting point and I can pick it up from there. So any little help will be greatly appreciated.
22 years ago
Excellent exposition Peter!
I really wish I could answer people's queries just the way you did! I was just wondering how one can become a moderator?
To everybody:
One more thing regarding session tracking using encodeURL is that if I use:
<a href="<% response.encodeURL("page10.jsp") %>">page10.jsp</a>
then the relative url images in page10.jsp don't showup!!
22 years ago
First, thanks to all of you who are in this thread. Second, I have some more related queries at the end. In relation to the topic, here is what weblogic6.0 has to say:
"How does WebLogic Server know which session is associated with each client? When an HttpSession is created in a servlet, it is associated with a unique ID. The browser must provide this session ID with its request in order for the server to find the session data again. The server attempts to store this ID by setting a cookie on the client. Once the cookie is set, each time the browser sends a request to the server it includes the cookie containing the ID. The server automatically parses the cookie and supplies the session data when your servlet calls the getSession() method.
If the client does not accept cookies, the only alternative is to encode the ID into the URL links in the pages sent back to the client. For this reason, you should always use the encodeURL() method when you include URLs in your servlet response. WebLogic Server knows whether the browser accepts cookies and does not unnecessarily encode URLs. WebLogic automatically parses the session ID from an encoded URL and retrieves the correct session data when you call the getSession() method. Using the encodeURL() method ensures no disruption to your servlet code, regardless of the procedure used to track sessions.
You can add any Java descendant of Object as a session attribute and associate it with a name. However, if you are using session persistence, your attribute value objects must implement"
How about fine-grained java beans? Are they persistent over sessions by default. If not, how do we make them session persistent?
22 years ago
I am new to EJBs. I have a simple question.
Can EJBs be accessed as COM objects? I know RMI/IIOP can be used to provide network transparent access of business logic. But what if I have to access EJBs through MS platform like through ASP. Is this possible? If so, how?
It didn't help. It is really frustrating when things that books say work doesn't work for you, especially when it is simple :-(
22 years ago
I want to temporarily store objects so that it is available for use by other jsp/servlet pages.
<%@ page session="true" %>
String s = "yes";
session.setAttribute("isLogged", s);
<a href="page10.jsp">end</a>
String s = (String)session.getAttribute("isLogged");
<%= s %>
I am not able to pass around the variables around in the session. PAGE10.JSP displays nothing(null) instead of "yes". Do you have any ideas?
22 years ago