Andreas Joelsson

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since Sep 29, 2006
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Recent posts by Andreas Joelsson

I'm more looking for a java book aiming towards java realtime, explaining issues with keeping realtime with the garbagecollector and the like. Using effiecent realtime threading and meeting the time requirements.
16 years ago
Well, i'm intrested to develop in this particual side of java but i'm having quite sme issues finding good reading material (be it books or online) and wonder if you have any suggestions. I have coded realtime systems in Ada/C/C++ for 3-4 years so something around that experience would be nice.
Reason is that we have had some queries for java real time programmers or knowledge there of and it was something new to me that I would like to take up and increase my knowledge in. Not sure how big it is if its growing if its dying or whatnot but all information and suggestion to books would be appreciated.
16 years ago
Well I have been trying to add a path to environment variables so I dont have to make it manually every time I restart the computer. I am running windows XP and under environent variables I have a avariable called Java pointing to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_08\bin under system variables. Now to make it easy I have all my progams under c:\java\Program\ and well I have to go to this path in command prompt and do a path C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_08\bin to even be able to compile. I can however run the programs but i guess that is due to having JRe installed.
17 years ago