Huiming Gu

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since May 16, 2001
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Recent posts by Huiming Gu

We have catalog information comes from differenct source. Can WebSphere support multiple catalogs? If so what is the structure of doing this, if not how to cope this situation? Can it be inport to different categories in the catalog?
22 years ago
WSAD(webSphere Studio Application Developer)is a good one, especially when you want to build enterprise application. It prefer big memory in running.
22 years ago
From last year, web service become more and more hot. Basically its function overlapped with that of EJB a lot. But it have a lot of advantages than EJB:
1. It is over http, smtp so it can go through firewall. But EJB can not
2. It is lighter than EJB. So it runs faster.
3. It is easier to develope and use than EJB
4. It is based on XML, so it is vender independent. Which means J2EE can communicate with .Net product easily.
Where EJB will sit in the future?
Tomcat not support EJB.
You can download other server like webSphere or webLogic or else. I prefer webSphere.
I did both ASP, JSP, servlet, EJB, but not familar with PHP and Perl and coldfusion.
My feeling is that:
<b>1. Performace:</b> If the JSP is running on Standard virtual machine and without taking the advantage of servlet and javabean. Then ASP is faster than JSP. But if one can use some special tuned virtual machine like Hotspots server and take advantage of precompiled code like servlet and javabean. Then the performance is around the same or may be JSP page is faster.
<b>2. Easiness of developing:</b> ASP is more easy to develop. But its code is almost none reuseable.
<b>3. Scability</b> JSP and J2EE is much better. Java is OOP programming language. ASP is only an script language.
<b>4. Server administration:</b> ASP server is much easier. But it is not stable(For example it is easy to cause memory leaking problem) and not safe(For example: CodeRed, Nimda).
In general my feeling is that the target market of J2EE is middle to large web application. Target market of ASP and IIS is tiny to middle web application.
22 years ago
I am not familar with WAS3.5. But the following is recommended:
do not use "scott" and "tiger" as user name and password in oracle. It is the guest account. It have very limitted priviledge. You can try DBA account by default is UID: system, password: manager). This account have full priviledge.
I think this is the reason you get the Exception of:
"ORA-01031: Insufficient privileges".
Also I recommend you write some code to make sure that DataSource is set correctly before deploy Entity bean.
Also I guess you need to add : orcl at the end of"orcl" is the default database name, you may change it depend on the database name you set. I not sure with this because I am not familar with WAS3.5. I know it is need this in WAS4.0)
Good luck!
22 years ago
There is no exam book for 406.
Most of the recommendation resource at is good and necessary. I also use Websphere 3.5 handbook available at:,websphere
The question is not very difficult. But you have to understand JSP and Servlet. You can try the mock sample test at:
passing score is 50%
22 years ago
Thanks so much Hong Jun.
This is exactly where the problem is. How stupid I am.
22 years ago
Actually, I tried both real path and ${WAS_ROOT}. Both does not work for me. I tried ${WAS_ROOT} is because I see the InstantDB Driver is setted with this.
22 years ago
Problem: I try to set up JDBC driver and DataSource for oracle. After setted up I use a servlet to test the connection. But I get the following error:
"exception in initjava.sql.SQLException:No suitable driver"
Background Info:
WAS used: 4.00 Advanced Single server developer edition
ORACLE used: Enterprise edition
Both WAS and ORACLE run on the same machine(WIN2000 Professional)
I can access the ORACLE using regular java application after setting classpath to ""
servlet Code:
...servlet intialize.....
InitialContext initialcontext = new InitialContext();
out.println("before Data Source");
DataSource datasource = (DataSource)initialcontext.lookup("jdbc/orcl");
out.print("after Datasource");
Connection connection = datasource.getConnection("system","manager");
out.print("after connection");
...end servlet.....

In the browser I can see the output of "after Datasource". Which means there are no problem in JNDI binding.
In the browser I can not see the output of "after connection". Which means the problem happened in the connection to database.
The error is:"exception in initjava.sql.SQLException:No suitable driver"
JDBC driver Setting:
Server Class Path:${WAS_ROOT}\lib\ (I also tried ${WAS_ROOT}/lib/, but it not work either)
Name: OracleJdbcDriver
Description: Oracle JDBC Driver
Implementation classname: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Data Sources Setting:
Name: oracleORCL
JNDI Name: jdbc/orcl
Default User ID: system
Default Password: *******
J2EE Resource Provider: OracleJdbcDriver
Resource Properties Setting:
Name: URL
Type: java.lang.String
Value: rcl
BTW: I restart the server every time I changed the settings. I tried the JDBC driver that come with ORACLE and the newest JDBC driver download from ORACLE. Both not work.
What could be wrong???
It drive me crazy for quite some time. I appreciate your help!!!

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[This message has been edited by Rahul Mahindrakar (edited September 25, 2001).]
22 years ago
I have the same problem on WIN2000 1G-CPU 512RAM.

I think there is something wrong with the JVM. It only happend when installed sun JDK1.3. What I did is:

Rebuild build the machine and install WAS4.0.

Never happen again, even though this is the worst solution I can think of.
22 years ago
I passed test with good score recently.
My recommendation for prepareing this test is that:
1. Pass Jave 2 Programmer(SUN) test.
2. Read and really understand the book of Core Servlet and JSP(ISBN: 0-13-0893404-4). I prefer this book than the IBM recommended book of Java Servlet Programming. (The core servlet and jsp is much easier to understand for the beginner and is thinner)
3. Download and play the webSphere server v3.5, try to make the sample programs works. I do not like the document come with the server. I recommend the IBM webSphere 3.5 Handbook(available for download in pdf format at
4. Take the Mock test serveral times and try to really understand the points under each question (sometime in order to understand the points you need to refer to other document whatever you have)
5. Take the test.
(I do not think Enterprise Development with VisualAge for Jave version 3 and Servelt and JSP programming with IBM websphere studio and visualage for Jave very useful.)
Key part:
1. servlet, jsp, JDBC part in Core servlet and JSP
2. Chapter 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 23 in webSphere handbook 3.5
Passing score 50%
You have 75 min to answer around 55 questions
PS. webSphere version 4 is coming very soon!
Good Luck!
22 years ago
Passing score from IBM test Coordinator:
Test 486 ... around 70%
Test 406 ... around 50%
TEst 483 ... around 60%
Test 498 ... around 60%
22 years ago