E Jen

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since Oct 22, 2006
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Recent posts by E Jen

In a program that I am making I have to select a small text box on an IM service and input chat automatically. I know that robot can do this, by actually moving the mouse, clicking, than typing it. But is there any way that I can do this using something other than robot, maybe something that won't actually move the mouse?
17 years ago
Sorry, I see what I did. Thanks anyway.
17 years ago
I am getting a couple of errors with the following code:

The errors are:

void is an invalid type for the variable processLine
Syntax error on token "(", ; expected
Syntax error on token ")", ; expected

Can anybody please help me try to fix this?

Thanks in advance!
17 years ago

Originally posted by Jim Yingst:
OK, this is weird. I see you have used code tags - good, thank you very much. And yet your code still seems to have almost no indentation. What's up? Do you not find it useful to indent your code to make it readable? I find it difficult to motivate myself to bother reading something if the author hasn't put at least a little effort into making it readable. Note that you can edit your post using the little icon at the top of the post. Thanks.

Sorry about that. Normally it is indented when I right it, somehow I messed that up. And thank you for all of your replies.
17 years ago
I have some code written to read a chatlog file, one that you may find from an IM system. Most of the lines that are read look like this:

[10:34:46] MESSAGE HERE

How would I get it to drop the time stamp? The code I have currently written is:

[ October 22, 2006: Message edited by: E Jen ]
17 years ago