Rajesh Tarte

Ranch Hand
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since Nov 02, 2006
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Recent posts by Rajesh Tarte

Are you using any framework like cairngom or something?
Try to debug from flex to java..
11 years ago
properties used by drool engine such as compiler etc
13 years ago
What is location and example of properties file used in drools?
13 years ago
Where are the generated rule class files are stored as java files when used eclipse?
13 years ago
What is mean by AST and descr in drools 4?
13 years ago
why one can not import classes from default package in java?
13 years ago
You probably referencing to different objects.
13 years ago
Declaring static fields in any class means those varibles can be accessed without instatiating object of that class.
Class MyClass{

static declaration including objects or array or primitive..

Static varible does not mean that you do not instantiate it.It means you do not require to instatiate the class in which they are declared however you need to create a object of that whether that variable is declared static or not...

Do you require more clarification?
or you got it?
13 years ago
Thanks Mike,Manish and Ulf ..
13 years ago
Then someonce use varibale instead of constant if they want to change its value.
anyway if it is constant then its value may be considered as unchanged.
13 years ago
I would like to share few places where behavior of program is different than expected.
I would be glad if someone can clarify it.
Case 1:
scenario A:
consider the following code


System.out.println("It wont be executed");

Scenario B:-
System.out.println("It wont be executed either");

Situation:- in both the cases condition is defined at runtime. It means compiler knows that none of the print statement ever executed.
However in scenario A it gives it as unreachable code which is quite expected but in case of scenario B it runs just fine which is not expected.
Do somebody has any thought on this?
And one more thing do not descibe what is unreachable code and how while and if works. i knew that already....


13 years ago
I am not interesed in thease keywords are used as methods.
My view is second case where these are treated as references.

If there is refrence either it is null or referencing not null object

we can define same variable both in parent and child class

if we directly used the variable in child class it refers the child class version and when we use super.variable_name it looks for varible of parent although it is overriden

In fact if we do not create a same variable name we can use "this" to refer a varible from parent class provided that it is not private

This means along with the inherited properties and methods in child class some of the things are not accessible using "this" thats why we need super, is it so?
And there is no object other than child class is created
one more thing two object of type Class are created
This is what is my understanding
please correct me if I m wrong
14 years ago
As Per My understanding

this---> refrence to current class's object
super--> reference to parent class

Q1. are the above statements are true?
if no
how can you access any method or variable without using refrence?
if yes
then what is refrenced by super?
14 years ago
Do you mean that it is not a reference?
14 years ago
I know what is meant by this
My question was what Super represents if superclass object is not created?
14 years ago