radha desai

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since Nov 28, 2006
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Recent posts by radha desai

Hi Rohit,

Thanks for the reply.

But what about the living standard in singapore.

I heard there rent is very high.

If you have any idea please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

16 years ago

How is the job scene for Java/J2EE people in Singapore ?

And what is generally pay scale ,I am having 5+ experience in the same.

Please let me know if anybody has idea.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
Thank you all for the reply.

What can i expect in terms of pay in chicago?
16 years ago

How is the job prospects for Java/J2EE people in Chicago ?

And what is generally pay scale ,I am having 5+ experience in the same and planning to be in US by Aug'07 on L2 visa.

Please let me know if anybody has idea.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
thank you all for your comments.
17 years ago
its not about liking or disliking.

I want to knoww whether its worth shifting at this stage?
17 years ago

I am in a big dilema and seeking advice....

I am having 5+ exp in Java/J2EE tecnologies and working in one of India's top services company as a project leader.

Now my manager has asked me to shift to .Net as the product which we were working on is now shifting from Java to .Net.

I explained my preference about Java but he is reluctant to assign me something else.

Please advice me on what should I do? How shifting to .net will impact my career.

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago

I have around 5+ yrs of exp. in Java/J2EE technologies.

Now my manager is asking to move to Oracle fusion as its based on java/J2ee.

What i understood from internet is its middleware.

But i wanted to know like will it be advisable with profile like me to move to something like this? and what are advantages and disadvatages

Please reply me if anybody has idea on this.

17 years ago

I have around 5+ yrs of exp. in Java/J2EE technologies.

Now my manager is asking to move to Oracle fusion as its based on java/J2ee.

What i understood from internet is its middleware.

But i wanted to know like will it be advisable with profile like me to move to something like this? and what are advantages and disadvatages

Please reply me if anybody has idea on this.

17 years ago

I have around 5+ yrs of exp. in Java/J2EE technologies.

Now my manager is asking to move to Oracle fusion as its based on java/J2ee.

What i understood from internet is its middleware.

But i wanted to know like will it be advisable with profile like me to move to something like this? and what are advantages and disadvatages

Please reply me if anybody has idea on this.

17 years ago

I have around 5+ yrs of exp. in Java/J2EE technologies.

Now my manager is asking to move to Oracle fusion as its based on java/J2ee.

What i understood from internet is its middleware.

But i wanted to know like will it be advisable with profile like me to move to something like this? and what are advantages and disadvatages

Please reply me if anybody has idea on this.

17 years ago

I am having 5+ years of experience in java/j2ee.

Recently I have been asked to move to ERp domain as techno functional consulant,

I am new to this area so wanted to know the scope and future prospects in this area (PeopleSoft,SAP,Oracle).

Also please let me know about EAI also.

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
Hi Ambar,

Thnx for the reply.

But is it advisable to move to that area ? I mean in terms of opportunities and future.
17 years ago
Hi Chetan,

I am located in Pune.

Please let me know about my query if you some idea on this topic.

17 years ago

I have 5 yrs of Java/J2EE experience.

I have some queries regarding ERP domain as I have been offered by my organization to move to ERP domain.

1) I want to know what is the scope of SAP NetWeaver in terms of future prospects,opprtunities.
I have heard that it requires knowledge of Java.

2) What is adbvisable ...Functional side or Technical Side in ERP domain ?

3) How is Human Capital Management stream in ERP domain ?

Please let me know your view on this.
17 years ago