meenu teenu

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since Dec 05, 2006
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Recent posts by meenu teenu


Can anyone help with the code to get the contents of ".properties" file.
17 years ago

Can anyone help with the code to get the contents of ".properties" file.
17 years ago
Hi all,

Please can anyone tell how to get the conten from property file.

Thanks in advance
17 years ago
No, 300 fields belongs to different tables

In my application i have a java program to display more than 300 fields in the screen.If i update all the fields the system speed becomes slow so what i want is to identify the fields whose values are modified and update those modified fields alone to the database.

Kindly Please help me to solve this
17 years ago

In my application i have a java program to display more than 300 fields in the screen.If i update all the fields the system speed becomes slow so what i want is to identify the fields whose values are modified and update those modified fields alone to the database.

Kindly Please help me to solve this
Hi friends,

I want to update only the modified field values in the database and not the values which are not modified .How to identify the fields which are modified ?
Can anyone tell me how to find and retrieve a number in string.

For eg,
in "emp1_fname" i should retrieve "1" from that it is possible.If i use string tokenizer will it be possible?Reply ASAP
17 years ago