Jacob Rich

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since Jan 02, 2007
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Recent posts by Jacob Rich

ah, that cleared things up alot, thanks
16 years ago
right, so i could have said dvd1 = new DVDsystem? or ... ?
16 years ago
No, one class is DVDPlayer and one is DVDTestDrive..
16 years ago
Whats new Dmitry?

btw, Welcome
Haven't seen a game so evenly matched this year... I honestly thought the Colts had em though.
16 years ago
they're two different classes though, i thought different classes dont apply to one another unless it inherits?
16 years ago
very much so, thanks
16 years ago
Sorry if im spamming, im just trying to get the hang of things now whats wrong with this?

Much thanks,
16 years ago
I have a simple question, when declaring an object why do i need () after the objects name for example i'm calling a DVD player as an object, why must i use type "DVDPlayer a = new DVDPlayer()" whats the "()'s exactly doing?
16 years ago
ah... thanks guys.
16 years ago
We'll know at 8:15 E/T tonight
16 years ago
I never liked norton, most versions are RAM hogs and do more advertising then fixing.
16 years ago
This is my code:
and im getting this error when compiling:

C:\Documents and Settings\Zack>javac shuffle.java
shuffle.java:18: '}' expected
1 error

Anyone know what the problem could be?
16 years ago
ah I see, I get what you mean I think... just dont understand what an object class quite is.
16 years ago