Bin Maths

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since May 29, 2001
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I am currently working in Germany as Software Developer in Java 2 (JDK 1.3).
Most of my experiences in Java is Client/Server using sockets and some Applets. (toal 2years experience in Java)
I worked one and half years in SAP R3 3.1h installation and maintanence (Basis) on NT oracle.
Other computer experience alltogether 9 years and holds Bacherlors Degree (4year) in Computer Science.
I am going job less from 25 july(notice period).
Any suitable job welcome. I prefer to work in US

[This message has been edited by Bin Maths (edited June 26, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Bin Maths (edited June 26, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Bin Maths (edited June 26, 2001).]
22 years ago
If you are using Oracle 8 or latest you need 4 mount points as U01, U02, U03, U04. This is posiible by create 4 directories at the . using " mkdir /u01" command and mount the disks using " mount /dev/.. /u01 .." etc command.
And you start installing Oracle from CD it asks for the mount points
For more information read Oracle manual.
Bin Maths
22 years ago
I have a Solaris SCSI disk, with programs on it. Is it possible to mount this drive in Linux OS and access the contents?
22 years ago
Thanks, it was that simple?
22 years ago
I just want to print ASCII value of say "A" to print to console using System.out.println(). ie "61"
And visaversa.
Can anyone provide me the solution ASAP.?
22 years ago